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Pick up a greeting card, earn a trip to Hollywood

Everyone knows that it feels good to laugh, but did you know that medical research really proves our assortment?

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Pick up a greeting card, earn a trip to Hollywood

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Everyone knows that it feels good to laugh, but did you know that medical research really proves our assortment?

Just in case the health benefits of laughter are not enough to make you bright, the ABC television network and American greetings are "laughing at the supermarket

Hundreds of other awards will be awarded, as well as tsutsutsutsutsu, tsuzutsutsu "Tsuzutsubutsutsutsutsu - tozutsutsu.

What is the connection between the greeting card and the TV comedy show?

"It's easy," said David * Recanati, vice president of product development for card marketing and American greetings. "We are both doing business that gathers families and makes me laugh.

"Whether someone is laughing at Timon's joking attitude, Rispin duck to one of our ridiculous Timon Thez cards, or" Joe "on Friday night,

Entering the sweepstakes is easy. While buying up the latest American greeting cards, sign up a comedy lineup on abc's Friday night signs and tear-off entry form "

"Our Friday Night TGIF programming lineup to give Americans a place where they can go to laugh after a long, tough week" partnership with the American greetings, our audience Give a chance to win the trip to see one taping of one's favorite show, the country "

New piano owner for piano care

It is the owner of a new piano for the maintenance of the guide piano.

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Piano tuning, piano cleaning, piano maintenance, piano care

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Congratulations, congratulations, you got a wonderful new addition! ! This new addition not only adds beauty to your home, but also brings the pleasure of music to you and your family. Since I have your new piano, I'd like to make sure that I care about it properly. Not only to care about your piano neatly but also to play the best potential, but also worthy that your warranty will be maintained And in the place of a new piano In this article, I am stabilizing the tuning of your piano Sexuality, and how to maintain safe and care for the appearance of your piano is also a piano that is required in tuning the definition piano and explaining why.

What is piano tuning?

It is in 200 strings of your piano stretching at high pressure across the frame of your piano. When the piano technician performs the piano tuning, he or she carefully not only sounds in harmony with each other, but they also have a mark (when the sound of 440 Hz)

I do not have your piano but regular tuning itself does not damage the piano, but it is not a proper song It is very unusual for the piano to play at home, to play it on the piano, Does not feel like "good" as a piano Listen to children who are commenting on their parents This is not due to the fact that the piano is not regularly serviced, but piano inferior at home and piano That is to say. Is not it a mysterious phenomenon of environmental factors caused by the piano where the problem of risk which periodically crosses the adjustment of the piano occurs? This will cause permanent damage. In addition, it is more difficult to adjust pianos that are not regularly serviced.

Why adjust the piano?

Generally the piano needs to be tuned twice a year to maintain it in good playing condition. Whether the piano is playing or not, the piano is out of the song. The piano with a brand-new piano or a new string of it probably needs to be adjusted 3-4 times of the first year. This is because there is a tendency for the new string to stretch when the string is working and the piano goes out of the song more often. High frequent piano, used throughout the day for piano lessons, or high-level pianist who practices many hours

Want to be more accurate tuning stability to my piano?

The biggest factor the piano comes out of tune is the temperature and humidity of the room where the piano is located. With more hot and humid weather, piano strings and moving parts will cause the piano to expand and expand to play sharper than the standard pitch. In cooler and dry weather these parts will cause the piano to play flatter than the standard pitch and will shrink. Unfortunately, all parts of the piano do not stretch at the same speed. This not only causes the piano to go sharp or flat, but also causes the piano to sound out of the song on its own. If the room where the piano is located is too dry, there is a danger to get your piano sound - board crack. This can seriously hinder the sound of instruments. If the room is too humid, the dangers of the problem such as piano keying caused by the expansion of the piano wood parts, the temperature to rust the cord alone will not affect the stability of the piano's tuning , Temperature variation tends to cause humidity fluctuations. Therefore it is recommended that a suitable temperature be maintained at home all year round.

If the temperature and humidity of the room are kept stable, the piano will stay longer by condition. A good way to monitor indoor humidity is to use a humidifier. This can be purchased at your local hardware store and attached to the wall. The ideal humidity for the piano is between 40-50%. In winter, we recommend installing a small humidifier in the room to control drying. Central air conditioning helps control summer moisture. However, if it does not have central air conditioning, a dehumidifier may be used. Place the humidifier or dehumidifier in a room with a piano.

Placing the piano in the room

Place the piano away from heating tubes, hot air records and radiators. These items can generally completely dry the air around them, not only can you influence the stability of your adjustment or you tried to maintain the direct sunlight piano. Direct sunlight can damage the finish of the piano.

Also, be aware of how other items in the room will affect the sound of your piano. Items such as carpets and curtains tend to absorb sound and wooden items tend to amplify it or give out more "live" sound. If you feel that the piano you have is either too big or too muted, adjust the items that accompany the piano to the room

Cleaning and polishing of the piano

Brushing the piano: We generally do not recommend using gloss of piano furniture. The best way to clean the piano is to use a slightly moistened, squeezed soft cloth. Microfiber cloth is useful for removing dust with high gloss finish piano. Microfiber cloth has come up, but as the same part home hardwares accessories hardware. Local piano from purchasing piano polishing. Some of these polishes will help prevent static, keep your dust off your piano.

Cleaning the piano keys: We recommend using a clean damp cloth to clean the top of the piano keys. A gentle soap solution may be used if the key is harder to clean. Make sure to dry the key completely after cleaning and do not let the water spill under the side of the key. Never use key chemicals or cleaning fluids.

Cleaning the inside of the piano: In general, we recommend that only the technician clean the interior of the piano. Since there are many fragile parts of the piano it is advisable to have experts to take it away to avoid any damage. The gathering of the dust of the piano makes the mechanism slower or works.

Take the time to take care of your piano appropriately and have it by qualified piano technician to keep your piano in optimal playing condition

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