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I just loved to throw food together.

I just loved to throw food together. Part of it was lazy, but another part of it was the joy of experimentation. I will not use any cooking recipes if I can help it. I had dozens of cookbooks, but I never consulted the cookbook recipes. Most of them were inherited from friends who were moving in and out of town, which makes it easy to accumulate considerable collections. I did not want to get rid of them, but I hardly saw their need. After all, my food was pretty good.

Then one day, one of my friends – serious gourmet – came. He made the most delicious dishes. It was an Italian cuisine I think of – Calzone – and that was one of the best things I ever had. I asked how he came up with it.

I was a little surprised at first. I know that it was someone who was not like him to use the cookbook recipe that he loves experimenting with himself. I asked him about it, he told me about how much he had grown up as a cook. He was getting more compliments on his meal because he started using the cookbook. He was eating health, and his diet was much more delicious than they were used for. There is a kind of recipe that admits that I did not get all my hearing.

My recipe cooking internet is mobile because I'm not good at the bottom. I did a lot of rice cooking, crock pot cooking, simple baking. Just learn to set the temperature as they say, just add enough salt, the right proportion of water, and the right spice was new for me. There is a relaxing type, but with more advanced technology, it is a difficult type of recipe. I always wanted to try Thai food, so I thought it was a chance to start it. It didn't work for the first time I tried it, but I was patient.

Soon, I had my own recipe book. My favorite cookbook recipe for that tastes, many of which fit into some variations to change. I use it as a creative dish, thinking that I can not say either. Some of it is to die completely.
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