Does anyone have heard of famous hope diamonds at least? Many people know that this famous stone is not a clear diamond, but instead it is surrounded by white diamonds and is interrupted from the diamond necklace
It appears when first purchased in the mid-600's history by a merchant named Tavernier of Jean Baptiste who sold the stone to the French Rui XIV. At that time it was a 112 karat stone that was described as beautiful purple. It was recut to the 67 carat stone and the color was indicated as French blue. During the French Revolution, the diamond was stolen during the plundering of the jewels of the crown. It reappeared in 1812, but it was again acquired by George IV in the UK who had to recut and sell the stone to repay the debt again. The exact deal is unknown, but diamonds were found next as entries for the collection of Henry - Philip - Hope.
Eventually the stone was owned by a Parisian Cartier jewelry company in Paris and purchased by Evalyn Walsh Maclean of Washington, D.C. It was that the stone had been readjusted and made to her necklace that we know today. It was bought by Henry * Winston which bought it from Mrs Mclean's real estate in 1947 and eventually became part of the Smithsonian collection.
There is a long-standing legend of a curse attached to the hope diamond that the story says that it was picked from an idol in India. True or not, many of the people who own the desired diamond probably have diamonds so we met unhappy including the desired family who went bankrupt This is the whole concept of the curse, she said object is bad luck Pierre * Karte selling it to Mrs. McLean on a curse story so sadly, the first son of Mrs. McLean was killed at the age of 9 in a car accident and her 25-year-old daughter I committed suicide. Her husband was declared mad and institutionalized until death in 1941. Was it part of a curse?
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