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Smithsonian Collection

Some of the world's most spectacular diamonds and other gemstones are the National Jewelry Collection of the Natural History Museum of the Smithsonian Collection in Washington

The National Jewelry collection has examples of magnificent minerals and crystals, jewelry and jewelry. You can see a beautiful purple quartz amethyst crystal, or a mineral azurrite, which is a bright blue copper compound mineral. You can also see a huge green pillar crystal. Beryls are mineral families including emeralds, aquamarines, heliodor and morganite. It is almost as stimulating to see the raw crystal as it is to see the finished product when it is cut and polished.

Some of the finished works of the Smithsonian Collection include the crown Napoleon used for the Second Empress Mary Louise. Originally it was made of 700 carats and 79 emeralds with diamonds. Emeralds are replaced by Persian blue-green cabochons.

Also, the Bombay - Star - Sapphire 182 carat star given to Mary - Pickford by Douglas - Fairbanks and the colorful black - opal black opal are among the most precious of the jewelry opal family.

There are also abnormal examples of crystal including 7,000 facet clear quartz eggs! Some Smithsonian museum collections include jade and turquoise blue used for other cultures. This Kozuni - Ikoshahedron Indian turquoise blue jewelry, nephrite carved out of a ball lamp The Chinese Emperor Ho Chiumi Park Lungs 1750. A more modern work is a dragon vase carved from a rarity of lavender jade.

But of course the dazzling items of the collection are individual gemstone and jewelry owned by the royal family by century.

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