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Superfoods to alleviate symptoms of gout

Gout is also called gouty arthritis and is caused by the accumulation of uric acid in the blood. This disease usually manifests itself in mature and predominantly male. It may be hereditary or secondary to the course of other diseases. The main symptom of gout is severe pain and swelling of joints, but gout usually affects one joint at a time and may affect another joint from one joint
The kidneys filter uric acid from the body. But with gout, the body makes extra uric acid or the kidneys work properly, failed to remove the body of uric acid, built up at the joint in the form of uric acid crystal, this condition is very painful. Accumulation of these crystals causes severe pain and swelling in the joints. The common place for gout is the joint of the thumb of the foot. However, gout may occur in the ankle, knee, elbow, wrist or fingers. Normally the first thing happens at night with excruciating pain, swelling and ignition. Rich foods and alcohol may contribute to increased severity of symptoms and elevation of uric acid.
Fortunately, there are probably some superfoods that are part of your daily diet that will help alleviate symptoms of gout already.
Apple pectin and vitamin C will help alleviate gout. Vitamin C helps to boost the immune system and pectin helps the junction to remain flexible.
Onion protects the circulatory system and is a powerful antibiotic. They are good for urinary transmission, diuretic activity helps with arthritis, rheumatism and gout.
Beet is more abundant than iron and other minerals' spinach and green is useful in gout cases as iron helps oxidize and cleans the bloodstream.
It is also important to drink plenty of water to keep the kidneys properly filtered and to help prevent the formation of kidney stones. Avoid high foods of pudding so that they make up about 50% of uric acid produced in the body. Liver, sweet bread, brain, kidney, meat grabby, meat extract, scallops, wild game, mackerel, herring, anchovy, sardine and cauliflower are all meat in pudding

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