Chain letters Programs abundant! All these claims
About the sender being pulling for $ 20,000 for the first time;
$ 80,000 twice; and $ 180,000 third time; just right
Outright lie!
We encourage you not to participate in all kinds of chain letter schemes
They are all illegal ar, and sooner or later, post
The authorities will close you. To have a fit, or
Have been willing to participate, you may be imprisoned imprisoned,
Face both penalties as punishment.
Do not get involved! I will not solve it if I do not chain letters
Either of your money issues. Everyone, and everyone,
Consistency with the experience with direct mail - sense of pride
Their business - either throw your letter immediately
Send it to a post office inspector for trash or other actions
A part of them.
Perhaps the biggest reason chain letters do not work,
Snuffing the ongoing efforts of dealers of reputable mail order dealers
From these schemes. Any money collected depending on what was actually made
Chain letters are pocketed by perpetrators. Sometimes
Beginning and those who promote chain letter can pull a
One hundred dollars or so Post official "Nail" in front of him -
But there is never brought in as "third name" on the list
That's over $ 5 or $ 10 total - but even after such a participant has it
Send 1,000 letters and go to work and expense.
Chain letters do not do anything but money!
However, many people try "try something
Once ", the chain letter method is no exception, so if you are
As these people think
The product allows you to listen and avoid the postal authorities:
Optionally establish a letter in no mail chain.
In particular, do not mail it to a "known" mail order dealer.
Instead, take your phone book and choose all 10's
So, return to the front and send your letter to these people. Ann
A better way is to derive names from city directories
- Available in your public library - and concentrate on people
I live in a less rich section of the town.
Generally speaking, these people are much more "money-hungry"
Educated, totally naive to "the truth of mail order".
These will be the "most likely" people to take you
Those with the meaning of a chain letter.
When we received the chance letter opportunity with mail check
Name and address for what you already have in the file,
And, I throw it away. Please do not get involved or permanent in an incoming call
Chain letter!
Important: Do I need to receive a chain that claims to sell books
Or moneymaking reports to be advised in the paragraph above.
If there is a listed book or report that interests you,
Write to the dealer who supplied this report. you are
It is possible to secure, and we will respond to your request more.
Suggest character names each time you get a chain
Postmaster The only time you want to borrow or purchase up to now
Characters in the chain of listed companies from name,
When you already have "ton of money" and are doing research
To determine the number of nixes that can accumulate from either
list. Most of the mailing lists from any of the companies I have seen
Which mailing list's saw chain, about 80 -
85% Undeliverable, and even some of the listed companies are not even
Already in business!
The character you need, especially one of the chain letters
You will send money to "Print Headquarters" for so many
A copy of the letter you received to get on
It's "a big deal" when your name and address were stamped
Sell printing service! Whether they do not care
Even if you do not mail one of the letters do even sell, or
Pleased to be willing to print - With reagents, they gain profits
By up furniture you print on paper printed up!
It is Malevel's program mail. Mostly just
"People - pyramids" organizations that make their profits
New membership fee. Before you get introduced,
I think they have the products they are offering - if you want to
It will send it. And before you start sending letters
Recruit new members and do some commonsense market research -
What is the real value of the product?
Standing side by side to buy it, and how much of your time and money
It makes a hundred dollars a week to go to your expense to do
With clear benefit ,,,
Any success is simply a matter of having something
Appeal to desire and / or desire
Maximum number of possible consumers - targeting your sales
Effort to reach people wanting it enough enough to stand up
Line to buy it - and make it as painless as possible
Those who achieve satisfaction by purchasing that particular item
It will achieve the need from you!
This report gives answers to all questions,
And most of your dreams - the fortune of all your money making
A venture company
How to Succeed with Advertisement Sheet Making Your Own Money
There are cases where it is very possible to publish and distribute advertisement sheets for mail order
High profitability. They are almost easy to produce and easy to produce
Shopping fast prints that can handle printing at a considerably low price
cost. Important considerations, you can use them
As a free ad, I will pull out the ad dollars for you
As a medium for your own products, and as exchange medium
It is your own advertisement concerning tobacco.
Before you start the ad sheet, you need to decide everything
With an interesting, informative title, select the masthead and layout
Your column for size will decide if it is a simple 8 1 / 2x
11 sheets of paper 11 x 17 sheets folded in half.
You also need to know your production costs for a number
The fee intended to print and mailing costs to mail them.
Most of the ad sheet starts as a piece of paper, 8 1/2
X11 printed on both sides. Usually, the front side can be divided
2 1/4 inch width, 1/2
Inch margin from the edge of the paper on both sides and top
With your title, masthead
List of fees for advertisers interested in advertising
With a depth of 2 inches with you, this is about 24 inches of your leaves
Advertising space to sell to the front. Come out the cost of
1,000 copies of $ 50 of such advertising sheets printed double-sided,
And a third class bulk fee postage of $ 110 this means that
Your 24-inch ad space must be sold at a rate
$ 6.25 to break even though ... This means: must sell
All advertising space on the front of the ad sheet is displayed at $ 6.25 each
But to break. This means: You must sell everything
$ 6.25 per ad, advertisement space in front of ad sheet - and
Then expect to make your profit from sales on the back side
Of your ad sheet. In reality, it will be possible to charge
$ 7.00 per inch for the front space, and carry
Advertisement of all the pages of the back side. In any case, there is no box
You yourself in the situation of losses you can not put
Your own ads in your ad sheet.
You will get advertisements by composing advertisement sold
Send it to dealers of many mail orders as letters
I can do it. You can also post ads on other people's publications,
Invite readers to inspect with you as to arrangement of
Advertisement of your publication. And of course, what you want to do
You can get advertising exchanges with other
Publisher runs your ad in his publication and runs him
Exchange). Many, from the experience of many publishers, this
It is one of the most effective ways to advertise,
At low / cost, and it will not be confirmed to be clever at
Fields in order of mail.
You will not be able to fill all available ads
Until you are well established, space with paid ads - none
Problem - First you fill your ad space with paid ads, then
Fill in the empty space with your own ads. Several
Start advertiser fills the part of empty space with
Supplementary ads for other mail order operators send a to them
A copy of the issue where free advertisements are displayed, and
Invite them to continue the advertisement of the "paid" basis from there.
Many of them are thankful and send checks to you, or
Money order to keep running ads.
If you are going to publish an advertisement sheet, please check the following
Consider the possibility of sending 100 to 1,000 copies
Rubber stamp your ad sheet to another mail order company
Name / addresses as co publisher and post for you.
Thus, 50 and other mail-order business shipments 100
Each copy advertisement sheet I think you are talking about
5,000 copies plus you circulate the number of mail copies
Well, as long as you can get this type of program,
Build your reputation, as well as your circulation, in
Bottom line, your interests.
Some advertising sheet publishers, after they establish themselves
And have an impressive publication, setup
Tsutsu Generally, they will run advertisements calling
Distributor / dealer and seek registration fee of $ 5 to $ 10.
When replying to the registration application form,
A letter explaining that each dealer can purchase at half the price,
Many copies, rubber stamps for each issue of advertising sheets, their
Give each copy a name and send them as your own. As a price,
Agencies usually get 50% of incoming advertisements
To order, to half-price ads for yourself, and to occasion
Bottom line related to becoming a successful ad sheet
Publishers must preserve your production costs -
Printing and mailing - As low as possible, while taking out
High quality products, other people in the mail order business
You will want to advertise it at the same time - using it as
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