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Secret of the sale of a million dollar sales letters

I can not sell anything if I try to sell it
It without having to "talk" with your future buyers. And
When I try to sell something by e-mail, I will send a sales letter
When and how are you talking about your prospects.

All victory sale letters "talk" by creating to prpspect
Image in the mind of the reader. They set the "scence"
Appeal to desire and necessity, and then flow smoothly afterwards
By describing in detail, the "foresightful" part of the sales pitch
How to have a wonderful life, how "good" prospects are happening
He feels after purchasing your product. This is "body or
"Guts" of sales letters.

Overall, the victory sale letter went through a trial of time, followed by being proved
Scheme: 1) Get his attention 2) Get what he is interested in
3) But with the products of your desired customers
His mouth badly begins in the water 4) Requests action from him - says
His fault was sold without delay -
Due to the delay in his part he may lose. this is
"AIDA's scheme and it is called to work.

Selling letters pulling most sales are almost always two
A page with 1 1/2 space between the rows. Really big tickets
11 by 17 inch sheet - items, they will run at least four pages
Half of origami. Tsutsu niece "Tsutsu" Tsubu
In length, there is nothing wrong with running it on the front
8 Back of one piece of 1/2 x 11 paper. However, your sales letter
Always letterhead paper - your letterhead should be printed
Including cases where you have your logo and business motto.

Despite the length of your sales letter, it should
Thing, and that is sales, hard sales! If you're going to close
Sell, you will do it with your sales letter. I will.
Never never "wishy washy" with your sales letter and do not expect to close
Selling in color pamphlets and circles. You actually
Sale and closure of that sale with your sales letters
You will only strengthen with a brochure or circular to send with it
What do you say in a sales letter?

It has become a hot topic in recent years
Just relating to sales, we will write sales. lots of people
Asking: Do people take time to really read long selling
A letter, the answer is certainly simple and it has undergone a trial of time!
Over the years proved that research and testing are emphasized long
It is not shorter than the ones of sales declines
Confirm worrying sales notice etc
It's yours

There are things that make your sales letters in "secret" so interesting,
And "fantasies" with the benefits you are offering to readers,
And he can not resist reading it all the time. You split up
Using short, punchy sentences, reading "work",
Emphasize important points you are using and making
Subheadings, indentations, and even the use of the second color.

Sometimes I want you to include it in relation to brochures or circles
Please reinforce your sales letters and sales - offerings
The materials you surround are the best quality, they are
Generally strengthen sales for you. But if they are poor
Quality looks cheap, things, it does not supplement it
Definitely if you classify you as an independent home worker
Handout stamp of these brochures or advertisements Name / Address

As far as possible, as long as you have a really nice brochure
Sending out, running the printer thru his press printing
Your name / address - Your telephone number and company logo -
Before you send them to them. Thing, I want you
Prospect of thinking about you as his supplier - not a company
Just another mail order operator. Indeed, you can get with less
Cost, you will end in less orders and finally,
Less profit.

Another thing about being bandied and being discussed from all
The direction of the year is whether or not to use the box number of the post office
Your address. Generally, we recommend that you include both
Post office box number, and your address of sale
A letter and sincerity of such disclosure
Dispell the thought of reliability and that you are just another thing
"Fly * By * Night" mail order company in the heart of vision.

More than anything, you started to include some order
coupon. This coupon needs a simple and easy prospect
It returns to filling in It is possible to enlarge. .
For this reason, only sales orders coupons will lose much sales
It is complicated for one buyer who should continue. Do not get fantasies!
Keep it simple and find your response to your prospects
With pleasure

You, or you should not include your reply
Envelope? There are many variables, as well as professional and con
To this question, but overall, when you send "victory"
Good mailing list, selling letter to return envelope on return
Increasing your response tremendously.

The latter test seems to indicate that it is not that big
Difference in response to deal or whether you or not
Stamp the return envelope in advance. Again, the decision will be absent
Mainly to the products you sell or mailing list
You are using. Our recommendation is that you try
Decide from boh way - for different shipments, and for yourslf

How to start a pen pals club

Pen pal club is very easy to start and can offer very much
Comfortable "incoming" income for Sharp businesses.

The best way to operate is through the monthly newsletter,
A new member. We found out that it is a simple type of page
The seat is everything you need to get started. It will look like this
Include a brief description of what your members are doing. :
Janis C is planning a vacation in Tahoe next month.
Attending a night class for a real estate license; John R. is
Instead of thinking about changing jobs
Advertising sales, Bob L. own carpet cleaning
Service; Dave A. I would like to move to Denver. .

You get this type of reader member intervention
"Newsletter" off Run start, keep your members faithful
For you "gossip", you give each question.

Any problem of 'Following' Story '
Answer sessions and letters from readers a - Laan Randers or Dear
Complete a short story about how to meet Abby newsletter
Male and female, what to say and how to develop friendship. this
Back page, or extra page, then is a list of men
Women - including a brief explanation of each, and those of them
Address - to correspond with, want to meet similar people

You will need the typewriter, paper, the name of the person you are interested in
I write a penpal letter and I am receiving it. You are safe soon
Start of name answering locally placed ads (classifieds)
Thesis, and some out-of-town treatises you are familiar with, and
Check news stands, miscellaneous goods etc.
Advertisement - It will take you a while to get the basic "100" to start you

You need to engrave a letterhead or mailing envelope
Each envelope returns $ 100 each.

Then, sample copy of your newsletter, and configure
Explain applied sales letters Membership fee
Approximately $ 10 per year for newsletters, plus $ 1 per month
Time to bring member's name & address to your "correspondent"
It is a good idea to check the "Recruitment" section.
Do it and bring it to the latest state from the time to encourage them
Time --- This keeps rumors of "personal contact" supplied.

Now, send out a sample of your newsletter for your sale
Letter / Member application to the list of names we did
It may have been offered to you or purchased from other sources.

At the same time, you need to run as many ads as possible
Of the name and address small mail order publications,
Publisher, directory of order of $ 3 from your distributor # 3709.
Advertisement reading becomes like this;

List of pen pals! National distribution!
To $ 1: Your name, address & zip code.

Tom's penpal letter! Tsutsu
Twitchy knick. To $ 1: Your name, address & zip code.

Of course, you want to keep a record of all your members, and
You carry, but basically keep list up to date
It's all about to begin. Advertisement
The type of your local newspaper expects a good reaction. We
I do not recommend that a copy of the sample be printed on another pen
How they work and what kind of idea they see PAL Quick Report
Your newsletter will be by all means
Through all the magazines related to "Brower" and pen pals
E-mail order introduction every time we pass magazine's display

Remember to regularly get your newsletter Should stop
Advertisement. Continue your efforts to sell as many problems for each
We can also post it as a member list of enlarged
As many issues as possible for each new listing.

Something you might want to consider - your 3 back problem
As a publication for $ 3, or as a free bonus to all new
Subscriber. As you have this idea as your free bonus
As a special offer of your newsletter, and advertising.

Provide the possibility of income to expand widely
Booklet, book, tape, motivational and information. As
From the one who provided the dealer is all the property in this report.

You can also do by saving a good record of all the posts you receive
We responded to customers of many people in the sale - loan name list
An offering to another mail order dealer. There is a real opportunity
For sale mentioned in the above paragraph - - opportunity
I will have infinite imagination.

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