What is the meaning of RSS?
RSS may mean three things. The original RSS (RDF site overview RSS 0.9) was developed by Dan Libby For Netscape. A couple of months later they created an overview of the rich site or an easy and easy to use version called RSS 0.91. But they later lost interest, leaving it without the owner. In order to use as a user, we strongly recommended for Winer version RSS 0.91. Later in 2005, Microsoft actually developed a simple syndication in connection with simple shared extension.
What is RSS?
RSS is an XML file format for distributing content and news on the web. It is usually necessary to update their content on a regular basis such as news websites (CNN, BBC and Reuters) and weblog regularly through one web page essentially giving now We will report widely used marketing, web publications and viruses. Today, large and small websites are usually also RSS enabled.
For example, you are an avid fan of baseball and you want to share something about one of the players. You can also enjoy dressing in addition to the content. It is a movie or a picture like a multimedia file. For "RSS feeds", other "Internet headlines" subscribing to "RSS" headlines are free. You can also use the news aggregator to track changes and updates.
How does RSS work?
In order to be able to use RSS, you first need to download software (content management system). The title of the article, excerpts and links to the full text are shown. Just insert text, non-text, also give RSS multimedia files like video, video, mp3s and others. Broadcatching shows that picturecasting, photocasting, podcasts can not incorporate some functions can incorporate will not be discussed.
Users need to access RSS, web or feed reader. The aggregator searches for and displays the update program on an RSS-compatible web page. Along with them, they are solo programs or web browser extensions, are sales systems. Search engines for network content broadcast by RSS feeds are also available like Plazoo and Feedster.
How to create an RSS feed
Supplying RSS is entirely easy if you know HTML. Otherwise, some can automatically sign for the blog (there are lots there) to create RSS. If you are using a personal web page building system, you need to understand the details about RSS. It is relatively easy to make RSS supply from scratch.
RSS feeds should always use "RSS" of either version, "Item". If you wrote about recent events of your city or reviews of books, the contents of this article can form items. Items are also on the surface layer, please tell us about the title, content, link your page). When choosing titles and descriptions, use the one that best describes the web content. It is easier for you, but it does not follow that the title tag and item title of your web page are the same.
Items look like HTML tags. First we need to place a start channel tag to define as an xml file. After that, as a label, tag item, put <item> after the channel tag. You can then insert the three elements of the item (<title>, <description>, and <link>). Just like HTML, we need to close the tag by writing, </ channel> and </ rss> at the bottom.
An RSS feed containing multiple tags looks like this:
<? xml version = "1.0"? >
<rss version = "2.0">
<title> Anne Rice's Belinda: A Book Review </ title>
<description> If you have not read the book of unleashed yet, you will be greeted with a shocking romantic relationship forming between letters ... </ description>
<link> http://allaboutbookreviews.com/belinda </ link>
<Title> Harry - Potter IV: more dead and dark </ title>
<description> Recorded by Harry - Potter set autofocus was set, and that young reader is </ description>
<link> http://allaboutbookreviews.com/harrypotterandthehalfbloodprince </ link>
</ Channel>
</ rss>
I understand now that these tags are a concept of further grasping the HTML tag tutorial. enjoy!
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