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Drawing figures is difficult. If you try to tackle it all at once, the act of making the human form of the paper exact is threatened and disappointed. For this reason, one step should be taken at a time, the most important being practice! The following article will provide some of the basics for understanding how to approach your drawing project in the drawing below.
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Drawing figures is difficult. If you try to tackle it all at once, the act of making the human form of the paper exact is threatened and disappointed. For this reason, one step should be taken at a time, the most important being practice! The following article will provide some of the basics for understanding how to approach your drawing project in the drawing below.
The very first thing you obviously need is your drawing supplies. The drawing does not have to be a very expensive art form. If you desire, you can start with a pencil and paper, but there are certain consumables that will give you better results. It is quite difficult to think that the procedure for evaluating objectively is a different setting as all the artists are different as a complete document. Only time and experience will tell you the best materials for your particular style. The choice of your material also depends on the selected subject matter.
The best advice is to get a variety of different pencils and paper and just experiment. You ultimately will like specific materials than others. Get a newspaper paper pad on your self. Newsprint paper should not expect that these drawings will last very long, but it is quite cheap and excellent for exercise drawings. There are things yellow. For your permanent drawing, good quality paper is recommended. Strathmore is a good brand to see. There are enough "teeth" to hold a considerable amount of media, but start with a medium texture paper that is smooth enough to allow detailed work, and for your drawing surface A smooth, flat good drawing board is required.
Before lifting a pencil, a basic understanding of human anatomy is necessary. When you study anatomy, you learn more about the construction and proportion of the human body. You also have a basic understanding of muscles and tendons and how they instruct and control the body. It carries away all the muscles, bones and tendons of the human body, there is no need to memorize; just basic understanding should be enough.
Correct proportion in your figure drawing is one of the biggest challenges to face as a beginner. For this reason, the measurement unit is set using the model head. This is the distance from the head to the bottom of the chin. 7 England to 8 heads is a standard measurement developed for the height of the standing figure. Depending on this measurement, it may be necessary for different subjects. Adjust it. You should recognize that 7 Young Head measurements correspond to the figure when it stands upright. If your attitude changes, you need to make an apparent adjustment.
Artists frequently use pencils to take head measurements. Make a reasonable interval from your subject. When you grab your pencil from below as if you had a hammer, stretch your arms completely in front of you toward the subject. Try and keep your head as far as possible. Confirm that you are standing in the same place every time you make measurements. One closing eye is coincident with the tip of the pencil on the subject 's head. Place your thumb on the pencil and slide it down until it fits the bottom of the subject's jaw. Now take the measurement of the "head" of your theme as a reference for the remaining measurements of your theme as a reference.
When deciding the type of pose to draw your figure, please choose what looks natural. Your model should hold his / her attitude for a long period of time and be comfortable, relax. Give yourself enough time to move your model and get a solution. The more relaxed and posing poses, the more believable the final figures and pictures. If your model looks uncomfortable or troublesome, it will also be reflected in your paintings and drawings.
There are a number of different lighting situations that you can create for your figure drawings and paintings. Are you working indoors or outdoors? If it is indoors, will you be working in a room with natural light or will you use artificial light? In what direction does the light source come from? Are there multiple light sources? If you are a beginner, you create a more shadow by that, hitting the model from only one direction, and partially lighting your figure Lighting Effect This is much easier to draw a figure It will be for. Although it is assumed to increase the experience value more complicated lighting effect can be obtained.
When starting the drawing, you should be excessively interested in accurately grasping all the details of the figure or other objects that make up the drawing Many beginners fall into this trap, eventually proportional Roll up on a drawing that does not seem to be wrong or looks wrong. Study your subject, narrow your eyes and try to find the basic form that makes up your subject.
Drawing drawings and paintings are vast themes, and this article only touches some of the basics. It is a drawing model in the form of all classes, workshops and practices. Purchase some good books on figure drawing and anatomy. Discussion gur The most important thing, however, keep practice and never give up.
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