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Title: Art restoration service

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Fireia is a picture of damage for photo quality restoration service. A rendering tool with moving pictures can be returned to the family and individual pictures, repair or dark parts are the original pictures without hurting everything.

Restore and retouch photoshop, restore photos, restore digital photos, restore photos, restore photos, restore photos, digital photos, memory books

Article Body:
Restoration of photos is a way to restore pictures that were damaged or exaggerated by age.

Photo restoration is effective in removing or masking the following defects:

   1. Dyeing of photographic documents by age and chemical reaction (yellowing etc.)
   2. Dust and hair observable in the picture
   3. Spots caused by bacteria and mold
   4. Scratches or breakage of printed materials
   5. Discoloration of publishing due to fading

Play with control of brightness and contrast and give better recovery of the picture. Many of the old pictures are too contrast (y). Others can decline so badly, a little darker or can help from adding a little distinction. Truly damaged pictures with bad wrinkles and tears across the face can be moderately tricky but if you are a little creative, you are usually

   1. Protect what is left
   2. I will restore it.
   3. It is the process of iterative reconstruction to avoid duplication by acquisition.
   4. Share / Save online photos

Repairing the photo can be done with FIREIA. Coming soon - Online auction of the art department, Indie - Eve (g).

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