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What is Leaky Bowel Syndrome?

Leaky intestinal syndrome with autism is still being studied; some investigations and studies start syndrome, why prevalence in autistic children Simply leaky person syndrome keeps large, unnecessary molecules It is helpless in the intestinal wall. This sign of autism often means that the intestinal wall has changed to become permeable. Leaky bowel syndrome in children with autism can occur due to increased susceptibility or allergy.

Leaky bowel syndrome is a problem for health as it allows for molecules and substances (such as proteins) that are normally filtered from the intestinal tract into the intestine. Since these molecules are not normally allowed in the intestine, the body misunderstands these non-hazardous substances such as viruses and infectious diseases and produces antibodies that attack them Next, this is because the body is not specific Recognizing that not only foods but also regular molecules of the body similar to these foods are harmful and the body attacks itself These are just two possible consequences with leaky bowel syndrome . Besides, it usually moves to the bloodstream, not only causes infection somewhere in the body but also draws down the liver that causes more toxins to circulate throughout the body

What are the causes of leaky bowel syndrome? Researchers are still working to better understand the causes, but current medical diagnoses are a few possible reasons for alcohol and caffeine intake, such as certain drugs, leakage The method of treating bowel syndrome is as uncertain as the reason. Because of the susceptibility of the digestive system of leaky bowel syndrome, many parents of autistic children see that help putting children on gluten- and casein-free diet helps both gluten and casein are proteins Yes, meals containing these proteins may irritate the leaky bowel syndrome and cause inflammation. You can also treat leaky bowel syndrome by avoiding alcohol, caffeine, ibuprofen, or spicy food.

Understanding leaky bowel syndrome is an ongoing process for parents with autistic children, doctors, researchers, but this is what you can do to treat it Your autistic child Is simply aware of the possibility of having a leaky bowel syndrome to better understand and improve your life

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