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Traditional design of multimedia exchange

There are many reasons why multimedia is gaining popularity: In addition to the increase in Internet use worldwide, in interactive as an art form like this, "blur, line" is a traditional vs interactive It is to become a bridge connecting the drawing of the design medium.

It shows a traditional advertisement award that is rapidly spreading to multimedia design companies. Illustrations, photographs, design institutions, interactive design companies are now regularly on stand

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It shows a traditional advertisement award that is rapidly spreading to multimedia design companies. Previously it was limited to illustrators, photographs, design agencies, interactive design companies now regularly make it a true competitor in the traditional media space

There are many reasons why multimedia is gaining popularity: In addition to the increase in Internet use worldwide, in interactive as an art form like this, "blur, line" is a traditional vs interactive It is to become a bridge connecting the drawing of the design medium.

For example, some magazine advertisements will automatically launch related online content when shooting on mobile phones. </a>. Likewise, many of the most popular TV and radio advertisements will have an audience on the website to gain more information about the advertised product or service

One of the things I talked about most "convergence" advertising campaigns was Pige's great success campaign for real beauty. It was designed as a multimedia advertisement on the web only, and eventually it was picked up among the media and got high reputation everywhere. Most famous, it won the Grand Prix for Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival.

A dovey-like campaign opened a door for a mutual advertising campaign to compete with conventional awards. Many design magazines and organizations officially compete with interactive media for the first time. For example, the recent winner of Applied Arts magazine includes the digital campaign MacLaren McCann <href = http: // www. Pub zone com / news room / 2007 / 4x071127x020726. Henderson Bus </a>, Leo Burnet.

As a marketer by accepting dialogue, similar traditional media will survive a very harsh external environment. Online, mobile, and other forms of interactive advertising, relatively small pieces also advertisement budgets for the entire company.

Multimedia is getting more and more popular and needs to be part of the future advertising campaign.

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When something like this happens, we can do it for you, we can do it for you, that

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La English - Turkish me cayo de golpe cuando me cuenta ku nadade de que creía tan perfecto era así una idealización de eso. This will allow you to do it because you can do it.You can do it, you miss alrededores no me satisfacían como yo pensaba que iban a hacerlo, pero decidí que debía intentarlo igual ya que todo parecia perfecto y no lo quería aruinar.

Luego Vino el invierno y comencé lo que había planeado antes de mi llegada: estudiar moda y convertirme en una s an inn dancer disga dora. Sin embargo me encontré con un lugar lleno de gente que creía ser demasiado rara y competitiva, sin nada de ganas de socializar ni conocer a alguien nuevo. La * prejion * de * cell aceptado a la escuela de arte y ganar la simpatía de los profesores era mayor que otra cosa.

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