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Vitamin a was given the first letter of the alphabet for the name because it was the first vitamin to be discovered.

Vitamin A proved to have many uses in the body, such as keeping the eye healthy, helping cell growth, enhancing the immune system. However, vitamin A is not only absorbed directly but is produced in the body by converting beta carotene to vitamin A.

Vitamin a itself is contained in many foods such as eggs, milk, liver, meat etc. Beta carotene whose body can be converted to vitamin A is contained in many fruits and vegetables, especially red, orange and green. The most important point consumes too much toxic vitamin A. Actual recommended allowance for Vitamin A will vary according to the age, sex and other factors of the person. Beyond the recommended daily allowance, the actual amount of vitamin A consumed may be toxic, but the body can then be changed to vitamin A so far that the amount that can consume beta carotene To acquire the largest amount of beta carotene, rather than a vast amount of consumption pure vitami

Many people can see in the dark eating a lot of carrots and the high level of beta carotene can be turned into vitamin vitamin A produced from high levels of beta carotene found in vegetables Some other foods contain spinach-like tomatoes and dark green leafy vegetables, beta carotene is not only used to form vitamin A but is also itself a powerful antioxidant. After the conversion to vitamin A takes place, the beta carotene absorbed as excess to fight the harmful free radicals in the body is not wasted. Vitamin A also helps fight infections and diseases by helping organizations arranging various parts of the body such as the eyes, mouth, nose, throat, lungs. Children also bring plenty of vitamin A to their bones and teeth.

How to Save Vitamins

There are two main types of vitamins, water soluble vitamins, fat soluble vitamins, the way the body does not store vitamin content taken from food or it is that the body can not store water soluble vitamins and this Means that a person needs to refill the water-soluble vitamin intake every day. Vitamin B Group Vitamin C is one of vitamin content in water-soluble vitamins and body shops.

It is impossible to store water-soluble vitamins that are water soluble, but improper storage, treatment, or especially water-soluble vitamins of these vitamin-containing foods are washed from them, Balance with at least 5 parts of fruits and vegetables as this body can not store vitamin C or other water-soluble vitamins by this cooking lack of being able to store vitamins that are water-soluble or by emitting steam Fresh meal

On the other hand, the body can store the fat content of the vitamin content. Body can be used if needed in adipocytes, these fatty soluble vitamin fat cells often store vitamins A, D, E as basal as people are water soluble vitamins, as these K are all fat soluble vitamins.

It is also important to correctly store vitamin supplements to ensure that these beneficial qualities are not diminishing. The best way to store vitamin supplements is to keep the container in a dry place, put in a screw top lid container. When storing vitamin supplements it is also essential to ensure that they are not held longer than the expiration date. We can not guarantee that vitamin content of supplements will be stored past the expiration date of vitamin tablets.

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