True patriotism
Patriotism is based on how many people you fly your flag and how many magnets you have in your car But we cut those fireworks and loose or we are patriotic The expression of patriotism we show on the fourth of the month when it yells into agreement with stirring a static speech
This does not mean that there is no place for such patriotic expression. Being able to publicly express our commitment to the country is one of our rights. And when all the citizens of this country can agree and do it, it builds a kind of pride that strengthens the community and the nation.
One of the divisions of the military asked what their units can do such amazing things in battle so brave or what they make every time they are called on duty It's a very simple phrase, but full of meaning It is what you It simply says "words that are not acts."
The notion of an act that is a true substance of patriotism is shown nowhere more than the many acts of community services that occur weekly in this country each year. Throughout this wonderful land, club, boy-scout army, church, business and all imaginable kind of organization is to live in the community
This may not look like patriotism, as we tend to combine patriotism with the love of the whole country. But none of us live in the whole country. It is a wonderful country and a community where you can live alone. The country is not great because it is often photographed from space. Because it's in the country's small towns and small cities and large capital cities, and as Americans come out and help each other, their communities continue to grow and thrive
When you see the moment of crisis in parts of the country, that spirit of community service is always visible. Every week we see situations where there is a tornado or fire, a lost child in one small town, or a family who loses everything in another town. When we look at it, you definitely see the community gathering with the help of the people who lost the most. In fact, when the national media is in great need when we are doing their job of informing, the nation as a whole will be on the pitch,
Clearly dramatic events like 911 are the most dramatic of such a spirit. At the local level, even in cities like New York, those New Yorkers became all of us at the sight of great danger and loss of life everywhere. As they became Americans and even threatened by danger, they went there and helped the injured. And daily, weekly, those Americans set up community service projects to end all community service projects
But the service of the community is not the end of the story. Soon from across the United States, from small towns and large cities, an army of volunteers, we are coordinated by wise agencies that rely on such times, New York Peoria's mother knows about New York or has politically agreed It does not matter. She saw a town attacked by her painful neighbors and enemies. Americans gather when they are needed It is central to community service activities. And that is the true meaning of patriotism.
If you act a community service a really big business town takes you. Huge international banks may donate some huge statues to the local park. Big oil companies that have been in the city since it began may fund libraries and new museums. When these things happen, those big businesses usually get names attached to their projects. And while we appreciate all these companies contributing to our town, no one they do it just as part of a smart business
It is sad to be so cynical, but when we think of a true community service, it really makes a difference to us that a real face or that we actually mean something to the community Local dime or ice cream to see the beginning of the "community" part of the service
They say that SMEs are really at the heart of our economy. However, small and medium-sized businesses are what make cities and towns of America flourish. Even if the business is a branch of a large national chain, so long as the business works for your neighborhood, it can be a local business
Local merchants have good reasons to engage in more attractive community service projects than why large companies do it. They went to a seminar in New York that wrote a book telling them that some hot shots it was a good idea to appease the locals But in a local business a hot shot telling you how to heal someone there is no. They love the locals and make them a region.
"Love" is a term that does not apply to many people where they live very much. But our immediate neighborhood with a video store across the street, a pizza place just above the blocks and a child from your daughter's Sunday school class So, the quality of life for everyone you know It is not wrong to want to invest in a company or public use space to improve.
Too often we are sitting around and waiting for the government to kick our life better and improve things. We put too much value in the idea that "I paid the tax but the mayor can not get down here and repair our park". The key word of that complaint is "we." The town that means a lot to you, especially the ones that live in part, is yours, it takes me to take care of things that mean a lot
At the local level, it is really a local merchant who can make a difference in improving the quality of life for his family and the family shopping with him. Fund small social projects by working with other local merchants, get out of the store, roll your sleeves, and help yourself, if you do it, your self-esteem of your town and your neighborhood Get a feeling. And that pride is, by chance, shared by your best customers, your neighbors.
Patriotism is based on how many people you fly your flag and how many magnets you have in your car But we cut those fireworks and loose or we are patriotic The expression of patriotism we show on the fourth of the month when it yells into agreement with stirring a static speech
This does not mean that there is no place for such patriotic expression. Being able to publicly express our commitment to the country is one of our rights. And when all the citizens of this country can agree and do it, it builds a kind of pride that strengthens the community and the nation.
One of the divisions of the military asked what their units can do such amazing things in battle so brave or what they make every time they are called on duty It's a very simple phrase, but full of meaning It is what you It simply says "words that are not acts."
The notion of an act that is a true substance of patriotism is shown nowhere more than the many acts of community services that occur weekly in this country each year. Throughout this wonderful land, club, boy-scout army, church, business and all imaginable kind of organization is to live in the community
This may not look like patriotism, as we tend to combine patriotism with the love of the whole country. But none of us live in the whole country. It is a wonderful country and a community where you can live alone. The country is not great because it is often photographed from space. Because it's in the country's small towns and small cities and large capital cities, and as Americans come out and help each other, their communities continue to grow and thrive
When you see the moment of crisis in parts of the country, that spirit of community service is always visible. Every week we see situations where there is a tornado or fire, a lost child in one small town, or a family who loses everything in another town. When we look at it, you definitely see the community gathering with the help of the people who lost the most. In fact, when the national media is in great need when we are doing their job of informing, the nation as a whole will be on the pitch,
Clearly dramatic events like 911 are the most dramatic of such a spirit. At the local level, even in cities like New York, those New Yorkers became all of us at the sight of great danger and loss of life everywhere. As they became Americans and even threatened by danger, they went there and helped the injured. And daily, weekly, those Americans set up community service projects to end all community service projects
But the service of the community is not the end of the story. Soon from across the United States, from small towns and large cities, an army of volunteers, we are coordinated by wise agencies that rely on such times, New York Peoria's mother knows about New York or has politically agreed It does not matter. She saw a town attacked by her painful neighbors and enemies. Americans gather when they are needed It is central to community service activities. And that is the true meaning of patriotism.
If you act a community service a really big business town takes you. Huge international banks may donate some huge statues to the local park. Big oil companies that have been in the city since it began may fund libraries and new museums. When these things happen, those big businesses usually get names attached to their projects. And while we appreciate all these companies contributing to our town, no one they do it just as part of a smart business
It is sad to be so cynical, but when we think of a true community service, it really makes a difference to us that a real face or that we actually mean something to the community Local dime or ice cream to see the beginning of the "community" part of the service
They say that SMEs are really at the heart of our economy. However, small and medium-sized businesses are what make cities and towns of America flourish. Even if the business is a branch of a large national chain, so long as the business works for your neighborhood, it can be a local business
Local merchants have good reasons to engage in more attractive community service projects than why large companies do it. They went to a seminar in New York that wrote a book telling them that some hot shots it was a good idea to appease the locals But in a local business a hot shot telling you how to heal someone there is no. They love the locals and make them a region.
"Love" is a term that does not apply to many people where they live very much. But our immediate neighborhood with a video store across the street, a pizza place just above the blocks and a child from your daughter's Sunday school class So, the quality of life for everyone you know It is not wrong to want to invest in a company or public use space to improve.
Too often we are sitting around and waiting for the government to kick our life better and improve things. We put too much value in the idea that "I paid the tax but the mayor can not get down here and repair our park". The key word of that complaint is "we." The town that means a lot to you, especially the ones that live in part, is yours, it takes me to take care of things that mean a lot
At the local level, it is really a local merchant who can make a difference in improving the quality of life for his family and the family shopping with him. Fund small social projects by working with other local merchants, get out of the store, roll your sleeves, and help yourself, if you do it, your self-esteem of your town and your neighborhood Get a feeling. And that pride is, by chance, shared by your best customers, your neighbors.
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