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What gives to your vegetarian baby

Needless to say, early food baby, but the baby working, breast milk. It contributes to the immune system of your baby, provides protection against infection, and reduces the risk of allergies. Pay particular attention to get enough vitamin B-12 when breastfeeding. Also as little as human milk contains a very low level so your infant stimulates the body to produce a sufficient amount of vitamin D
Iron content of breast milk is generally low, no matter how good the mother's diet is. However, iron in breast milk is easily absorbed by infants. Breast milk iron is enough for the first 4 to 6 months or longer. After six months of age, it is recommended that iron supplements have been introduced.
Soymilk, rice milk and homemade formula should not be used to replace breast milk or commercial infant formula during the first year. These foods do not contain an appropriate proportion of protein, fat, carbohydrates and many vitamins and milk used as an important part of meals in the first year
Many people use iron reinforced infant rice grain as the first food. Cereals can be mixed with the expressed breast milk or soy formula so consistency is quite thin. Methods or breastfeed feedings should continue as usual. Start eating one cereal every day, work up to two meals a day, or one - third to one - half cup. It is specified with oats, barley, corn, and other seeds, and it is soft and smooth even when cooked in a mixer. These grains can be introduced one at a time. However, iron and iron supplements should be continued even if they do not contain any.
Once a baby gets used to cereals, you can introduce fruits, fruit juice and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables need to be crushed well or pureed. Crushed bananas or avocados, applesauce, and puréed canned peaches or pears are all good choices. Potatoes such as calm vegetables, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, raw beans mash with food. Cereal food such as soft, cooked pasta or rice, soft bread, dried cereals, and crackers when the baby gets better by chewing

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