Looking at the Internet a few years ago, you can see that advertising was done in a very similar way to other types of media like TV.
You want to enter the site, and in some places you would like to get to see the banner (in many cases these are very large and very big)
However, there was one problem with this kind of advertisement. Some newspapers in addition to using Den - deng, but instead to express it.
You probably noticed much of this kind on the page you visited. You are looking for a watch and watching an online shop, but you get a banner advertising a car.
You may want to purchase a car at some later point but now you are looking for a clock and then you probably clicked on it
Well, that was also what the Google people had thought, so they came up with a killer idea. This is known as advertising on Google advertising - Advertising program
Instead of jumping over the hoop to get some banners on your site that your visitors do not care about, assign some areas of the screen
After that, when you sign up for the Google AdSense program, you insert a small snippet of code into your web page and Google will display the banner in the location you specified
Google is very easy to do because Google is a search engine company. It will search the keywords of your page, and the website database to find things related to whatever is on your page and presto
(Webmaster) Get a fee for each visitor who flags adsense in your site. Since others are actually interested in what they are on that flag, they will be separated more frequently and with the traditional flags (in other, are they not on your page?).
But this will also do wonders for people posting advertisements. And that's for the same reason. The biggest thing about Google AdSense is that all the content of the flag is relevant.
This relevance is the key to the success of the program, and also why everyone is happy. There is an advertisement relevant to the advertiser, the publisher gets money from the contents, and Google takes a cut.
Naturally, as always, Google put a certain high standard for the AdSense program, seemingly and with functionality. You can not do two or more like banner websites, Google only insert texts for these banners.
So the extra advantage is that AdSense ads are less prominent and regular ads. Visitors are overlooked as it is better than a banner at a location that should be glue.
So, in the end, the Google AdSense ad is related to the content on the site, so it is an advertising program that is unique. Anyone who wants to place ads will pay Google. Anyone who wants to put ads in their place will do this by AdSense receiving salaries by the process Google.
All transactions are moving by Google, advertisers and publishers to statistics to help them understand and mitigate the effectiveness of their campaign
The whole process is elegant, simple and effective from anyone in the chain, from the site visitor to the advertiser, and that is why Google is innovating and thinking new
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A way to identify and tackle click fraud
Identifying and tracking the example of click fraud is the first step to eradicate the problem. The click deception of clicks is estimated to account for approximately 30% of all payments per advertisement cost of clicks. So much with its national and international scale involved in search engines, solutions I invest much time and effort on devising.
One way search engines and other paid click program providers are trying to curb the spread of click fraud problems are IP address reversal These formulas are used to reveal the existence of click farms and competitor-led sabotage Suspicious chest from a useful single IP address
However, there are a series of problems with this way of trying to identify a fraudster. First, the fraudsters have extensive software available almost completely to change IP addresses, as well as all new online sessions, new IP addresses are generated, can bypass this check . Tracking cookies and sessions is another way that search engines can try to discover potential cheating but these again for fraudsters
Track profiles with more comprehensive software developed and browsing habits for each clickthrough and monitor suspicious behavior
The problem of click fraud hits the headline of a class action lawsuit raised against Google to urge Google to provide $ 90 million as a potential solution recently. Perhaps acceptance of responsibility, Google offers several ways to suggest the degree of click fraud to the Internet economy, and its huge cost
There are a number of self-help remedies that can be implemented to maintain an organization from trouble. The first of these remedies is search engine optimization and dependence on organic list. If the site is well and fully optimized, it is ultimately willing to pay $ 2.50 for another site to click, as well as ranking, there is no click rate in the organically high ranking Therefore, the cost related to PPC does not apply. The process is rather troublesome and it takes a lot of time to check the results, but the process of SEO is much cheaper in the long run and it is executed illegally
In the year when the paid advertising market per click grows and continues to expand, click on the fraud will surely follow. A valid way to prevent deception of clicks has been developed and successfully executed, buyers will steadily lose confidence in advertising media and seriously survey the search engines
It is necessary to derive the best results for optimized niche web site template. There may also be a best-displayed template or blog template www.AdsenseTemplates.com (http://www.adsensetemplates.com) he has 100 fresh new templates every month.
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