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Wild flower garden.

The wild flower garden has the most fascinating sound. One is the fun of collecting the materials, thinking of a long vagrant in the forest, then certainly correcting the real for the wild garden.

Many people say they are not at all in such a garden. It is not a matter of luck, it is a matter of understanding, but wild flowers are like people and each has personality. What kind of plants have always got used to nature in the way it always wanted. In fact, if you delete from your own sort of living conditions, it will get sick and die. Please tell us enough to copy it is natural. Suppose you are hunting wild flowers. When you choose a particular flower from the forest, you notice the soil, place, condition, environment, and the neighbor where they are.

Suppose you find a canine violet and a wind flower growing close together. Then place them in your own new garden. Suppose you have found a specific purple color that you enjoy the open situation. Is it a point? Because wild flowers want to grow in a tame garden to make them feel at home. * It is a mother sightseeing that I almost believe that I posted by e-mail.

Wild flowers should be transplanted after flowering time has ended. Take a basket and a basket in the forest with you. How to take some of, Colombine, or hepatica, how many of the plant's own soil must be packed about it when it is transplanted

The beds where these plants should go should be prepared carefully before your travel on this occasion. Indeed I do not want to return those plants to wait for the night before planting or day. They need to go to a new quarter at a time. The bed requires deep and abundant and complete soil from a leafy forest. The drainage system below should be excellent. After that, the plants never enter the ground recorded in water. Some people think that all tree plants should have saturated soil with water. However, the forest itself is not logged in with water. You may need to dig deep into your garden and put the stone at the bottom. The upper soil will be on top of this. And on top of the topmost soil you put a new layer of rich soil that you brought from the forest.

I will improve the soil before planting water. And part of the soil belonging to the plants that you put in each hole to make places for plants.

I think that it will be a nice plan, not having a wild flower garden that will give it a series of blooming from early spring to late autumn. And beautiful columbine with small monthly axis, small bluets and wild geranium. There are moon cuspid violet and wood anemone, seal of false Solomon, jack * in * the * pulpit, wake robin, burudo and violet. June gives bellflower, moose, bee balm and fox glove. I will choose the gay butterfly weed of the moon. Turtle Head, Aster, Joe Pai Weed, and Queen Anne Let's make the rest of the brilliant season up to frost.

Let us take a bit about the likes and dislikes of these plants. After you begin once, you will continue to add to this wild flower list.

No one does not love Hepatika. Before Spring decides to come true, this little flower raises his head and embarrasses everything else. Hidden under the cover of dried leaves the flowers wait for a warm sunlight line to pull them out. These embryo flowers are more protected fuzzy. This reminds me of a similar protective cover that a new fern leaf has. In spring the hepatica factory does not waste time in getting new leaves suit. It makes old things until the flowers have a day. After that, the new leaves begin to verify before this and have a chance. These delays are ready to support the next season. You are growing a cluster of things like hepaticas, family groups. They may be found in an open place rather than in the forest. Soil is abundant and confirmed to be loose. They are good soil conditions in the only blue underground to go. Give the advantages of a somewhat exposed position that you may catch early spring sunlight if planted with specimens of other forests. I need to cover the hepaticas with leaf light garbage in the fall. During the last day of the month, this leaf will take a cover unless the weather is extreme. You will find a hepatica flower ready to pierce your head.

The beauty of spring hardly allows Hepaca to go ahead of her. This spring flower can not be misunderstood with white flowers, thin, wire stems, and narrow, grassy leaves with pink's graceful traces. A large patch that increases the beauty of Masumi will be opened. Plant the number of roots and allow good opportunities for the sun to get them. This plant loves the sun.

The flowers of other marches mentioned are Yukinoshita. It belongs to a very different kind of environment. It is a plant growing on a dry rocky place. In many cases, people will find it in rock chinks. The roots of saxiflage are twisted about the rocks, the rocks themselves being divided, there are old stories in their work effect their way to them. Anyway, it is a stone garden plant. I found it at a dry sandy place at the boundary of a big rock. There is a possibility that this white flower cluster may be haired.

Columbine is another plant that is likely to be found in quite rocky places. When standing under the shelf and looking up, you can see the surroundings of one place of Colombine plants around the cracks of the rock. The nod head red wire is wire shaped, Bob to a thin stem. Roots do not hit the soil deeply; in reality, often soil does not cover them most of the time. Now, just because Colombine has a little soil, it does not show indifference to the state of the earth. It always lives, and should always be alive, under good drainage conditions. How did it hit you, how is a truly hygienic plant? Lots of fresh air, adequate drainage, and good food are the foundation with plants.

It is a plant like how easy it is at these factories of future research. After studying their feelings, do not make a mistake to gather them together under poor drainage conditions.

I always have a personal feeling of affection for the brute. For some reason, I constantly feel that I am feeling. They start with abundant, beautiful, small and sensitive blue flowers. Sometimes it gets pretty worn out and it looks white if the green becomes hot and the color blurs a bit. Some people call Quaker ladies, other innocent them. Under any name they are attractive. They are colonies, sometimes sunny fields, sometimes growing on the road side. From now on we learn that they are specific about sunlight more open about soil.

If you want a flower that picks a bouquet and uses flowers, the wild geranium is not your flower. It is nearly immediate petal immediately after droops. However, purple flowers are gorgeous, leaves are fairly rough but deeply cut away. This latter effect rather gives a fascinating plant some boldness. Plants are found in the moist, partially shaded part of the forest. I like this plant in the garden. Since it has no purpose in its choice, it adds good color and permanent color as long as blooming time lasts.

There are a number and number of wild flowers I might suggest. Those I mentioned were not given for the purpose of flower guide, but the soil strips for work to start the wild flower garden

And if you are afraid, choose only the lesson according to the result or two flowers. Learn, or better, get acquainted with, add another year to your garden. I think that you need to worry about the best of all the garden garden. That is a real study you see.

Vegetable culture.

As a rule, you choose to cultivate bush beans rather than pole beans. I can not make up my mind whether this is from pure laziness. In the backyard of the city, tall varieties may be problematic as it is difficult to get a pole. But these consecutive beans can be trained along the old fence and move slightly and over the highest sunflower stalks. So I will settle Paul's question. Bean's question has a decorative aspect. Suppose you plant these high beans at the extreme rear of each vegetable row. Combine them through them to form an arch, create flexible arms and arms and arches. Train the beans on these. When standing in the face of the garden, what beautiful ends these bean arches make.

Beans like rich, warm, sandy soil. Be sure to dig deep to help the soil and work perfectly for the bean culture. Before the world gets warmer from spring cold we will never plant beans. Early drilling of the soil has another advantage. It brings insect eggs and larvae to the surface. The birds that are eager for food continue to like plows to choose these choice morsels from the earth. Small lime working with soil is useful for cultivating beans.

Tsutsu Tsutsu Tsutsu Tsutsu Tsutsu Tsutsu Tsutsu Tsutsu Tsutsu tsu tsun tsu tsun tsu tsun tsu tsun tsu tsu tsu tsu tsutsu. There are three feet called bush limas for training or other azuki beans. The amount of this space gives you the opportunity to cultivate with a hoe. Pinch off the extreme edge growing when the running beans climb too high, this will hold backward growth growth.

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