As a web designer, your web site gives your visitors the most ease of use, the best impression and the most important of all the welcoming experiences, and if your website is defective, the visitors will have a fancy design Because you are driven off your website by selling a copy of it at
The "Good Design for Life" is a good graphical design for the dont. ● Professional web design can point out that there are many parts that contribute to a good website design-availability design, interface or
Hence, I highlighted some of the worst web design features that I came to. Hopefully you can compare it against your own site as a checklist, and if anything on your site meets the criteria, take serious action
1) Background music
Unless you are running a site promoting a band, a CD or something related to music, I may really be pleasant to you from putting loop background music on your site But, move hundreds of pages a large place, and visitors browse to another page of your place, if I am your visitor, I turn off my speakers or leave your place. In addition, they just add when viewing your site to the visitor's burden--users with dial connections are meant just to see your site
2) Oversized / Small text size
But too pure for web design Graphic--users have access! Make your site easy to read and reasonably sized so that your visitors can read it without hitting their eyes Copy of your website or your sales No matter what the content of is good, I will not sell anything if it is unreadable!
3) Pop-up window
Pop-up windows, in my mind, 90% of pop-up windows are so used to display ads that are not worthy of my attention And well, pop-ups appear on my screen. Imagine having a very important message to carry and placing it in a pop-up window that is almost killed of the time appearing on the visitor's screen. Your web server
By concluding this article, as a webmaster it is your job to ensure that your web site is meant to be effective and features from some of the small mis-stop sites It's perfect!
Your web server
Anyone who has been online marketing knows that the vitality of the business is the traffic on the site. Many visitors sell equally. However, you need to sell this without the improvement of your site.
The first way is to weave in your personal contact with your sales message. No one wants to be sold to strangers, but many will buy what their closest friends recommend to them. If you can be confident in your audience that you are a personal friend who has their best interests in the core, they are confident to buy your product. Remember to talk to your whole audience personally, not your salesletter.
The second way is to publish your customer feedback and comments. A good idea should publish good and bad comments; that way prospects really believe that these proofs are real. When prospects look at testimonials on your website, you have confidence to buy from you as humans continue to be in swarm mentality;
Visualize the problems and solutions provided by the product. The head and tail of the text copy what you read, most people have prepared a large number of attention images.
Provides quality bonuses that accompany the product. In addition, products that complement the bonus allowance can be overlooked with a very positive response in a forward-looking manner. Please specify the monetary value of your bonus as people are further forced to grab your good bargain.
Finally, ask for sales! Many people tempt their prospects for the benefits of their products, sell to those with a story of how it solved many problems, offer Give clear instructions on how to buy the product (eg "Click on the Buy Now button!").
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