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Who is your audience?

Understanding the type of people visiting your site is very important because you can use that information to enhance your site to suit them, and as a result, you will be more loyal than you will come back again and again Get back visitors.

What is your age level, what kind of knowledge does your audience have? A layman may remain around the general site of gardening, but a professional botanist may turn his nose at the very same site. Similarly, normal people leave sites filled with astronomical abstracts, but well-educated university graduates will find the site interesting.

Take your audience's emotional state into consideration when building your site. If a highly irritated visitor is searching for a solution and comes across your site, offer a solution on the right front and sell it, or his second second to him, The visitor puts his trust on you for providing a solution to his problem and after you buy it your product when offering it to him

When designing your site layout, you need to consider the characteristics of your audience. Are they old or young people? Are they looking for trends or just looking for helpful information without the icing of the cake? For example, bringing a new, exciting game with a simple, simple black text to a page with a white background is completely perspective. It is always a comprehensive theme of your site.

Sprinkle informal words on your site to create a sense that your audience is in a common position with you. This will build a trusting relationship between you and your audience that will come in handy if you want to sell the product to your audience.
When is the right time to redesign?

When running a website, chances are often whether it is the right time to do a total redesign of your website layout. Points to consider are:

Are you thinking about redesigning it? If you answer yes to that question, it is not yet a good time to do a redesign. Remember, design serves a specific purpose. If you do not know if you do overhaul your site, your current design has a specific purpose that you may not know, and if you do redesign, you will lose that function .

On the other hand, if your website has had the same website design since 1990, it's probably a high time to do a redesign. The last thing you want to happen to your site is that the visitor is leaving your site without looking at your content just because the design is out of date. Several points to consider before making a design.

Redesigning your website is like performing a plastic surgery. Your website loses its current identity, and (for good or worse) your regular visitor is the wrong page landed with the thought that there is no risk for your new design at first glance . Therefore, it is very important to keep the features from the old layout. Maybe it's your site logo; maybe it's the same text style for your site title.

To play it safe, put a poll on your site to let your visitors talk. If they think it is necessary for the website to have a new look give it to them!

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