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Adolescent pregnancy

In the case of adolescent pregnancy ninety-nine percent is unnecessary and is the main result of adolescent sexual activity other than Std. This issue affects youth, families, educators, healthcare workers, and government officials. The best solution is the best solution. The best solution is the best solution. The students in one school are five years old by sexual contact. The average age of boys is sixteen, seventeen, where girls had fuck. They say their pregnancy is not intended.

Tsutsutsutsu Tsutsutsutsu Tsutsutsutsu Tsutsutsu Tsutsutsutsu. Fifty percent of adolescent pregnancy is within a half year period after the first sexual intercourse. More than nine hundred thousand teenagers It has been reported that she is pregnant every year in the United States of America, and she is reported to be pregnant. They are at least once before they are twenty years old Twenty-five percent of adolescent deliveries are the mother's first child Not when Teenager gives birth to her first child, she increases the risk of begetting another child A third of adolescent parents are themselves the result of adolescent pregnancy.

There are many reasons why young people choose to become sexually active early in their life. The reasons are: early adolescent development, poverty, childhood sexual abuse, lack of parental attention, lack of career goals, family and cultural patterns of early sex, substance abuse, school and poor adolescent sex Factors that prevent it from becoming active are stable family environment, parental supervision, good family income, regular prayers, connections with parents, consistent use of contraceptives among complete families and parents with parents The factors responsible for are academic success, expectations for future success, and involvement in stable relationships.

Adolescent pregnancy has many medical risks. Less than seventeen adolescents are at greater risk of developing medical complications when compared to adult women. The risk is the teenager below seventeen. The weight of children given adolescent births is very low in these pregnancies. It is usually less than 2.5 kilograms. The birth rate of newborns is three times greater in adolescents compared to adults. Other problems caused by adolescent pregnancy include premature infants, underweight children, poor mother weight gain, poor nutritional status, anemia, sexually transmitted diseases, high blood pressure due to pregnancy

Although there is an increase in the use of contraception by adolescents during their first sexual contact, only sixty three percent of high school students have previously used condoms while having sex adolescents, those who use prescription contraceptives, Delay the doctor's visit until it is time to be sexually active for more than a year.

According to research, adolescents participating in a sex education program that gave them knowledge about contraception, abstinence, involvement in the debate to get clearer images, diseases and adolescents, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, undesirable adolescents The term pregnancy and Std's solution states that use and abstinence of barrier contraception.

Adolescent acne

Acne is one of the common problems of adolescent teens affecting nearly seventeen million people in the United States. Acne is nothing but a disorder involving sebaceous glands and hair follicles. From clogging the sebaceous glands that lead to the formation of acne and cysts resulting in acne. Conditions usually begin at the onset of adolescence. As the teens achieve adolescence, going through facts also causes high activated sebaceous glands resulting in sebum produced at high rates

Nothing no oil Sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands that travel to the skin surface through the hair follicles. However, skin cells also block vesicles caused by oils that are blocked. When these hair follicles are blocked, the result of blackheads if hair follicles of the skin bacteria known as intrafollicular Propionibacterium acnes, which in turn causes swelling of the skin called acne. If the vesicles are completely blocked you will result in whiteheads. But if these intercalated vesicles are not treated they will eventually irritate and result in the formation of oils, bacteria and pimples, and all over the skin, acne is not only shallow, but the natural nature of the skin of various individuals And depending on the amount of oil produced can be deep.

There are various causes why acne forms. Apart from rising hormone levels due to adolescent it also can also cause for extra grease and some cosmetic dishes such as drug intakes that contain lithium, tranquilizers and corticosteroids. Oil and oil of the scalp by use can actually alleviate the acne problem and the acne problem can be handed down again and again. Acne problems get worse if acne is squeezed or scrubs too hard.

Acne can be formed anywhere in the body, but there are most commonly symptoms that can differ from person to person in areas where the sebaceous glands are in high proportions such as the face, chest, shoulders, neck and upper back. Although there are common symptoms seen: Acne, whiteheads, formation of lesions full of pus and very painful, and finally nodules. One may also suggest that the symptoms of acne may be like some other skin condition and it is always advisable to consult a physician in this scenario, sometimes

There are many treatments available today to treat acne. The main purpose of this treatment is to reduce scarring and better appearance. There are various treatments, and the doctor will decide the specific treatment you need based on: acne problems, age, medical history, overall health, tolerance to certain drugs and procedures, expectations and

Acne treatment is classified into items given based on severity range and systemic drug therapy. A combination of both methods in several instances may be the way to go for acne treatment. Topical medicines are nothing but creams, gels, lotions, solutions and so on. Be prescribed to the patient for the treatment of acne. Some of the example drugs on the item are: Benzoyl peroxide, which kills Propionibacterium acne bacteria, antibiotics help stop or slow the growth of bacteria, or

Systemic drug therapy mainly involves the prescription of systemic antibiotics for the treatment of acne problems that are strictly applicable in nature. Examples of antibiotics prescribed are Doxycycline, erythromycin and tetracycline. In some cases an oral drug called Isotretinoin is prescribed for teenagers with severe acne problems that shrink under the sebaceous gland that produces oil. The results are quite good, and nearly ninety percent of the adolescents have been successful with this oral medication. However, because this drug has serious side effects, it is very important to consult a physician before use.


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