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To understand what anemia is, you should start with breathing.

Youth anemia

To understand what anemia is, you should start with breathing. Inhaled oxygen does not simply stop at the lungs. It circulates the body and fuels the brain. Oxygen moves in all parts of the body to the bloodstream and exactly, the red blood cells I. e. Erythrocytes Now these red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow of the body and act as a boat carrying oxygen into the bloodstream. Erythrocytes are called hemoglobin and proteins that hold oxygen. There is plenty of iron needed for proper hemoglobin. Iron is supplied by the food we take along with other nutrients. If these red blood cells are fewer in number than needed, anemia will occur in the body. There are three main reasons: red blood cells are lost for some reason, red blood cell production is slower than necessary, and finally the body destroys red blood cells. There is at least one cause of the connection of different types of anemia.

Bone marrow replaces small amounts of blood lost for any reason without anemia. However, for example, it is possible for the bone marrow to replace RBCs with a considerable amount of blood flow for a short time as a consequence of injury due to serious cases so quickly anemia and also loss of a small amount of blood over an extended period May lead to An example of this situation can be seen in girls getting heavy periods mainly due to a lack of dietary iron.

Anemia due to iron deficiency is the most common type of anemia in the United States. This occurs mainly because there is no iron in people's diet. The iron deficient teen reduces hemoglobin production and consequently red blood cells. A person is considered anemic when the production of red blood cells is low. Signs of anemia are pallor and fatigue. There are other reasons why not enough red blood cells are produced in the body. Folic acid and vitamin B-12 are also necessary to produce red blood cells. It is also important to obtain a sufficient amount of these. Too much anemia can result in problems working with the bone marrow.

Hemolytic anemia occurs when a person has red blood cells with a short life span. The bone marrow may not be able to produce new blood cells if the blood cells die too early. This can be attributed to a number of reasons including those with disorders such as sphenocytosis or sickle cell anemia. In some cases, the body's immune system itself may destroy RBCs. In some cases, certain antibodies can form in the blood as a result of reaction to certain drugs or infections, and may attack RBCs.

As they grow rapidly, iron intake may require more nutrients in this process, so it may not be enough to keep up with the pace of growth For girls, they are more likely after adolescence It requires iron and is at risk for massive bleeding during menstruation. In some cases, pregnancy also leads to anemia. In addition, teenagers eat too much weight, so they have a risk of iron deficiency. Meat-eaters, especially those who eat red meat, have less risk than vegetarians, so meats have rich iron in it.


Youth allergy

Allergy is actually counteracted by the aberrant immune system to the normally harmless ingredients to the majority of people. When someone is allergic to something, the person's immune system gets confused and thinks that the substance is harmful to the body. Examples of allergens are dust, food, plant pollen and medicines. The body produces antibodies that protect themselves from these allergens. The antibodies make specific cells present in the system such that chemicals mix with the bloodstream, one of which is histamine. This chemical then functions in the nose, eyes, skin, lungs, digestive tract and results of allergic reaction symptoms. In the future, exposure to the same chemical will cause the same reaction to the same antibody each time it comes in contact with the same allergen, causing an allergic reaction in the body.

Allergic reactions can range from mild symptoms such as runny nose to more severe ones such as respiratory difficulties. Asthma from teen suffering is allergic reaction cold and asthma attack is also an example allergy. Some allergies trigger a number of symptoms. A very rare case of allergic reactions also produces a severe reaction known as "anaphylaxis" Symptoms of respiratory difficulty, tongue swallowing, lips and throat This allergic reaction makes the system appear like peanuts It occurs as soon as it is exposed to substances that cause allergic reactions.

The reasons why people get allergies can be varied, one of the reasons can be hereditary, but not necessarily children take allergies from their parents, some of the common allergens are food, suspended Contains particulate matter, insect bites and stings, drugs, chemicals and more. Food allergies usually occur in infants and usually disappear as the child grows. The list of food allergens includes milk & milk products, wheat, soy, eggs, peanuts and seafood. Some people are allergic to certain insect bites and bites. Bite poisons are what actually cause reactions and can be serious anaphylactic for some teens. Some teens are also allergic to suspended particulate matter, also known as environmental allergens. They are also the most common of all allergens. Examples of these allergens include dust mites, animal danders, types of spores, grass pollen, trees and ragweed. Some young people are also allergic to certain antibiotics. Another common allergen is chemicals, certain chemicals currently present in laundry detergents or cosmetics can actually cause itchy rashes

Allergies They have questions like whether they are allergic symptoms and hereditary. Depending on the type of blood or skin test there is an allergic effect, as in certain diagnostic tests which also determine. The best way to treat an allergy is to completely avoid the offending agent of the allergy. However, certain drugs and injections are also available to treat allergies.

People who can avoid allergies such as food allergies should include peanuts or peanuts with the lowest amount of food or food. Also avoid using chemicals with allergic skin that contain cosmetics. But avoid being away from the exclusion zone to keep pets away from airborne allergies in the bedrooms. Replace the carpet and rug from time to time. Avoid keeping the dust collecting. Also, clean your room and home often.


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