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Advertise yourself to friends?

Cultivation tips on personal relationships as an advertising tool for your small business.

Personal advertising, advertising equipment, small business

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I do not know many friends from. It happens more often than you would like to think of a small business.

As people like to do business with friends, it is important to help them know things.

You can be an educated friend or acquaintance who needs to be aware. Then they can be some of your best source of new customers, and also promote to others.

Now you have a lot of social and business networks of people who personally know you: your club, recreational activities, school activities, religion

Your friends and acquaintances know for you the person and character you show to them in person. Your friendship is most important to them. What to do for living is secondary.

What you sell (or equal) is what you need to sell. This is a business as it will be promoted by promoting the valuable assets of the personal fellow.

Your goal is to have "friends". Instead of "WIIFM" what is contained for me, you want them to ask you "WCYDFM", what can you do for me? In other words, "helpful solution is my problem because it will give you valuable advice for taking care of you."

Certainly, what business are you doing with your friends. "He is set up by a mortgage, brokerage, selling real estate, including its own consulting services. Sometimes, small businesses can have vague names that scream for further explanation.

Learn about each of the findings and clearly simplify the production case so that your friends can understand exactly. Tell a story. Please give an easy-to-understand example.

Perhaps I already explained 10 or 30 seconds of talk on some elevators. Develop another version suitable for more general use.

Talk about your personal style story, thinking you have to do it. Take advantage of the impromptu situation and use your judgment about when to insert a message into a conversation.

It makes it easy for people to talk about you with others in their circles of friends and acquaintances. This is how to use the multiplier effect: Tell a friend. .. Tell who your friends are.

In the never-ending quest for new customers and customers of your small business, every day you do not take advantage of your previous personal opportunities right there

It is always your own business. It works in both ways!

2006 John * Shinish

This article may be reprinted and distributed as long as the resource information remains intact.

Advertising temptation & how small businesses can handle them

New advertising ideas and techniques get the quick attention of the most optimistic small business owners. Here are three ways in which you can evaluate your proposal.

Advertising temptation, advertising SMEs, advertising ideas, advertising profits

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New advertising ideas and techniques get the quick attention of the most optimistic small business owners.

The first time you hear about something new to use or adapt, your heart's race transfer, related to what your voice is realistic and what you are doing

To illustrate, video advertising salespeople stand right there in your business.
Temptation is staring at your face. "It's a lot," they say. Whether you go for it?

Here are three sets of realistic questions that ask themselves to evaluate the proposal:


1. Take a step to the side and consider this. Does your current ad already cover the basics? Is this new temptation part of your basic advertising plan or descend in the "next level" category? Just remember to make the basics first, because you have to open the showroom just before you can decorate it. So make sure you're doing the basics before you move on to the next level.


2. Does the new idea or technology stand on its own as a profit generator? Can a new idea or technology be integrated into your basic advertising thrust so you can compliment what you are already doing? Does it contribute to building a cumulative advertising effect?


3. Can I do that? Is your advertising budget already in place? Will this advertising method pay for itself? Or will it break the bank?


Background: The knowledgeable small business owner keeps a good record of all promotions and advertisements. You want to develop enough information to figure out what works and what not. It is called learning from your experience of being in a trench.

Temptation looks at your face at least at the expected time. Temptation can come from hearing or reading about the extreme results that others have got with advertising.

Often it appears when salespeople tell about the "big" they are offering. The same is true for looking forward to being tempted. It always sounds easy.

Is temptation worth listening to? Give yourself an honest answer to the above three questions whether it is time to move forward to the next level and give in to your most recent ad temptation

2006 John * Shinish

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