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Are you a foreigner who wants to move to Singapore and start a new business? Or maybe you are currently on an employment path that works for another company in Singapore, but would rather quit and incorporate your own business here. If the answer to any of the above is "Yes", the Singapore Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) is for you.

It's tough. :
Singapore company established, Singapore business registration

Article body:
With the desire of Singapore to be a regional business hub, it will attract a significant number of entrepreneurs' hearts from abroad to the country. EntrePass is designed to facilitate the entry and stay of foreign entrepreneurs ready to be embedded and start up business in Singapore. EntrePass is introduced in 2004 and attracts foreign entrepreneurs to the country The purpose is to

Two categories of foreigners are eligible for Singapore Entrepass:
• Foreigners who are entrepreneurs ready to start company / business and actively get involved in Singapore company / business operations.
• Foreigners who are existing shareholders / partners of a company / business registered in Singapore and wish to be actively involved in the operation of the company / business.

EntrePass can be a global value creation entrepreneur and innovator in the founding and marketing venture company Singapore.

You have millions in banks to start if you don't need to have a doctorate from a top school. All you need is a good business plan and investment that covers your starting costs and supports yourself early.

Important Facts About EntrePass

• Apply for EntrePass is a Singapore based business.
* With the application of EntrePass, we need to submit a 10-page long business plan. Prepare the details of the business plan and write down, then it may be part.
* Nature without entrepreneurs eg, coffee shop / food court, foot reflexology, massage parlor, karaoke lounge, money change / remittance, newspaper sales, and study
* The processing time of the application is usually 2-3 weeks.
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• Live in Singapore with your family who can EntrePass.
* EntrePass is recoverable for as long as the business remains viable. You can also apply for permanent residence in Singapore.

Importance of Business Planning for EntrePass Applications

EntrePass an important aspect of the new Singapore business for preparation and business planning. The good news is that business plans are not expected to be relatively brief, ie 10 pages or less long.

In addition to its importance in applying for EntrePass, another important value is in the process of studying and thinking about your business in a systematic way. The act of planning allows you to think through things thoroughly, study and research if you do not know the facts, and critically your ideas

A well-thought-out business plan will not only improve your chances of getting Singapore's EntrePass, but it will also make your mind clearer and more when you cover the box, the fleas will be at Only learn to jump, but without lids, they jump as high as they can. The plan is these two. At the same time, you must be sure that the numbers in the business plan are achievable. We need to balance optimism and realism.

Be sure to see the business plan EntrePass impressive. You need to make an interesting news story for your readers. Markety Tax payments, payments to local accountants and other service providers, and the fact that your business fund is stored at a bank in Singapore

How to prepare a good business plan for EntrePass?

So are you ready to prepare your business plan and apply it to Singapore's EntrePass? The following guides will help you to better understand the different sections and content expected of your business plan.

1. Executive Summary Half Page)
Write this section last and keep it on half a page. Provides an overview of your business and industry products / services, target customers, owners and future in Singapore.

2. Business concept Half page to one page)
This section should contain a brief description of the proposed business or industry, Mission statement, company goals and objectives, business philosophy, (More information about possible legal forms, options for Singapore's business structure And entrepreneurs).

3. Product / Service (approx. 1 page)
This is the place where you need to detail your product or service. How do you distinguish your product (s) / services (s) from competition? What is your competitive edge?

4. Marketing plan (about 2-3 pages)
No matter how good products, services and business databases are integrated, effective marketing where members do not succeed. And that starts with the upfront of careful research and planning. Talk about your market size, current demands, and future growth prospects, and opportunities for your size business. What are the barriers and overcome how your new venture changes. Write about your targeted customers, features, and geographical location, otherwise known as demographics. Write about your direct and indirect competition: Who, its size, market position. How does your offering compare to your competition? Use a competition analysis table to compare the new Singapore company with the most important competitors. Include factors such as price, quality, choice, service, reliability, technical and management expertise, sales and marketing strength, etc. Make an honest assessment of your company's strong and weak against competition. Overview of marketing strategy. How do you identify potential customers? How do you create awareness of your offerings? How to advertise What is your marketing budget (startup and ongoing)? What kind of image do you want to project? What plans are selling collateral logos, web, business cards, brochures etc. ) How do you keep customers? Write about distribution channels. How do you plan to distribute your products / services? What is your price strategy?

5. Operation plan page 1-2)
New Singapore Ventures with Resources Needed to Explain. How and where are your product / service (s) generated? What kind of equipment do you need? What is your procurement plan? Describes the production, delivery, and quality control processes of your product / service. Do you need a location and space for your description? Who is your supplier? What is the proposed Credit, Delivery, and Quality Control Policy? What are the legal requirements for your business? Business Permissions? Other Regulations Applicable to Your Industry? Need for insurance? What is the staffing requirement? What type of labor (skills and experience) do you need? Payment structure? Job description? Duty and responsibility? Organization chart? HR policy? Recruitment plans? What services do you plan to outsource? Your inventory needs and how are you planning to manage it? I don't think how much it is. Managed receivables and payables?

6. Financial forecast (about 2 pages)
Provides pre-tax forecast sales and net income for three years, startup costs, cash flow forecasts, and breakeven points, key assumptions. Startup funds intended for your new Singapore business will cover your startup costs and fail because you will soon run into cash flow problems after many launch businesses have started for the first six months Do. We also pay close attention to the evaluation of Singapore EntrePass application.

7. Management team (about 1 page)
State your past employment and business experience, achievements, key competencies, and roles & responsibilities. Identify weak areas and how to deal with them.

8. Tsutsutsutsu
Here you can provide backup information as support material provided by the customer or your business plan. This may include customer leads, written articles, awards, certifications, etc.

Although it requires effort and research, preparing a good business plan is not as difficult as you might think. Writing a business plan is just capturing your long-term goals, goals, estimates, and forecasts on paper. It usually takes a couple of weeks to complete a good plan. Most of that time is spent on research, rethinking your ideas and assumptions. So make time to work properly. Those who do do not regret their efforts.

What is a Successful Home Business Entrepreneur?

Studies have shown that successful entrepreneurs and home business owners possess the following characteristics. you are?

1. Are you confident?

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