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Art based activities

Recent reports by several independent researchers
Participation in art is social, personal and
Cognitive skills. Program for improving arts performing arts
And reduce the tendency of delinquents. It helps shape the youth
Build positive attitudes and self-esteem about yourself.

Art programs communicate
Complex symbols, like many maths and languages. So it promotes
Higher level analytical skills and assessment and synthesis skills.
Many programs children regularly have multiple skills
Make him dynamic and versatile.

The development of imagination, judgment and philosophy
Art based activity. In contrast to the short 45 minute period of
Art class at school, extra time allowed after school activities
Allows children to get more complicated. This is more satisfying and results
Opportunities for the development of children's potential. so
Turns, children learn to set high standards of achievement. He
Understand what a sustained focus is and learn that there is regular practice
The Road to Excellence.

Withdrawal of child, take lessons in play, speech and acting
Exit for the pent over emotions. As the drama goes into "skin"
Among others, children learn to express and express emotions in words
Thoughts These reasons are popular based on art

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