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Art of Juggling Business and Maternity for Mother Entrepreneurs

It's not easy to balance business and maternity, but here's a story of how the mother could do both.

It's tough. :
Work At Home, Entrepreneurs, Home Based Business, Terilee Harrison, Business Mom Guidebook

Article body:
Like every entrepreneur's mom, two of my life's top priorities are my family and my business.

My Story I was always a driven person. I knew what I needed to do to get my next promotion. You can also see it in all classes and seminars. When I was in my early 20's, all my colleagues were people in the 40's. If I keep going, I will surely reach upper management.

My desire and drive for the status of the corporate world came to a late 1993 day screeching-Day I became Jackie's mom. That day, life was no longer "my everything". I wanted to spend as much time as possible with her. Suddenly work and school were not important. I started looking for an opportunity to work from home or for a good part-time job.

It is not easy to balance business and maternity. I do not claim to be an expert. After Jackie was born, I spent several years in the world of unrealized companies who had other opportunities for me. While I was working full time, my constant concern was that I had missed everything while my child was in the 11 hour nursery. The clouds of overwhelming grief were always hanging over me because I know the children "only for a short time" a little bit. In my effort to overcome this concern, I was lucky along the way to find some excellent part-time jobs, and I also worked for years I actually was my daughter's It only worked full time for half of 12 years. The fact that you can't see that you're looking for a great deal of security is a company's job, your own business.

Thankfully, the entrepreneur bug blew me in late 2002. I now have my own business, and I love it every minute. I have many happiness and I can set my schedule around my children's important activities, and now I have the opportunity to work with them beside me I recently with Jackie Sitting at breakfast, she asked her when she was most happy with my work schedule. I am too happy when I take her to school and pick her up myself and attend all her important activities

My husband, Terry, is about to start working in my business full time. While we are more together and looking forward to cooperating to help build our business, this is a major life change for us. "Tsu" "Tsu" "Tsu" "Tsu" "Tsu" "Tsu" "Tsu" bond. Last week we discussed some of the adjustments we need to make sure that Terry is more home. We have made a commitment to balance caring for the call, this time for the call to work in the business for the next two years and the remaining two days until he starts kindergarten I have a special time to play.
I learned a lot as a mother entrepreneur and I would like to share those two. The importance of being present. A few months ago, I was an organizational member as a breakfast party and a network of business partners. The members shared some of what he learned in the workshop. When he said, "you have not heard, you have not heard, you have not heard now" and will never forget. I soon understood what he was saying and my heart sank. I thought about my child. I wanted to spend as much time as possible, but I was involved in business growth. I was listening and stopped while juggling both work and family. I was fooling myself and I was very wrong. I apologized to my daughter that day. I changed a bit soon, including things. For example, while Jackie ironed a star earned at P.E., I took the time to talk about whether she had won the star. I understood how long I was going to miss unless I presented it all the time. Working mothers often fight the lack of time spent with their children, but when we are we we Every time I use with my child is a time of special quality

The value of teamwork. Our family is communication in order to be able to cherish the most. I am not afraid to seek help from my family. I will do my best to communicate my upcoming appointments in advance. When I spend a particularly busy week, what we are doing, if it is temporary, acknowledges the stress it gives us all, and as a team, we have breakfast I made a plan for the day I left early to attend the meeting. When I say, "I have a breakfast meeting tomorrow," everyone knows what to do. For example, my husband takes care of our son and takes him down in kindergarten. All that is possible, if my family understands my commitment to them, I will attend a week's breakfast meeting. I communicate with them what's happening in the business and so try to include them too. We are all in this together. We will all succeed because our business is successful.

You can also help. I love to help others and as I continue my personal journey towards a more balanced life, I also get the experience of other entrepreneurs' moms I also , I'm writing a book for mom entrepreneurs. It also represents these articles for submission of comments. It was sharing your story so that we can help each other to master the art of juggling all business and mother

Edge of entrepreneur

Some will say that big companies made it; on the other hand, I believe there is always a special place for a small business man. Entrepreneurs have an edge over their larger competitors. So while the world's Amazon is struggling to break even from their billions of dollars overhead, small dot com is already realizing the benefits. What advantage is the "small" person market? The following is a great way to "think like a startup" and make it happen. ..

It's tough. :
Edge of entrepreneur

Article body:
Some will say that big companies made it; on the other hand, I believe there is always a special place for a small business man. Entrepreneurs have an edge over their larger competitors. So while the world's Amazon is struggling to break even from their billions of dollars overhead, small dot com is already realizing the benefits. What advantage is the "small" person market? Below is a way to "think like a startup" and to achieve great success.

A way to keep the entrepreneurial edge

1) Get in touch with your customers

Did you hear the 80/20 rule? The old saying says that 80% of your business comes from 20% of your customers. In business, the customer is king. Selling to existing customers is much easier to find new ones. So, if you get customers, you need to maintain a warp guide from them.

So how do you write, make you feel like a customer, number one, only one, by letting them know that it is their top priority. By replying to this answer, you will quickly request a reply email. It means staying in regular communication with your customers. Maintain a good relationship. Depending on the email you send, it will be new. Email birthday card or customer anniversary card. Gestures like these can build close, long-lasting customer service, and go a long way to building customer loyalty.

Tsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsu, Tsutsutsutsutsu, Tsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsu "tsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsu" Tsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsutsu. The answer of the needs and inclination of a specific customer We will meet the individual needs of our customers to meet the provision of product package service.

2) Listen to the street sounds

If small business owners want to keep their head on the water, they should closely monitor their environment. By "listening" to the pulse, you can think positively instead of thinking reactively. As this spotting thing came, please utilize by all means quickly that you can act.

Web Stats-Do you regularly view your web stats? Or are you guilty of being "too busy" to make time? If you do not see traffic reports on your web regularly, they will probably read to you like foreign languages. By looking at your web report regularly, you can spot trends. What page are your visitors going to? What is the hit to sales ratio? What can you do to improve that number?

Feedback can get feedback from "beats to hear" instead. Be the foundation of your customer name. If you have asked for something, I want to be true. The answer you receive is worth the weight of gold.

Industry News-Keep up with the industry, reading everything you can get your hands on. If you do work, you will be able to improve yourself in the "center of your room". You can not rely on your favorite melodrama to keep you informed about current trends in business. So to put your munchies and flavored coffee down and stay informed by subscription to print magazines and online newsletters

3) Flexibility

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