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Ballroom Dance-Weinner Waltz and Quicksteps

Vienna's waltz, derived from the Austrian Landler, holds each other elegantly as if the partners are a romantic hug. It's raised more than some eyebrows in a "polite" society . The rising popularity of the waltz in Vienna, like the standard waltz, contributes at least in part to the music of the famous Ballroom of Johann * Strauss and Tovienna, like the standard waltz, the music is either a vocal or an instrument It can be a classic, a country, or a lock.

Vienna's waltz dances at a faster pace than the standard waltz, making it somewhat difficult. Like the standard waltz, the Vienna waltz incorporates a simple, elegant turn and swings, though the inner turn should have a foot rise. Vienna's waltz also needs a good deal of stamina, equivalent, of the amount of energy actually needed to dance the polka dot.

Vienna's waltz uses two change steps linking the right turn (natural turn), the left turn (reverse turn) and the movement between the turns. It is a natural turn to dance the dance line (direction of traffic-left on the corner of the dance floor) and rotate clockwise. Following the line of dance, turning counterclockwise is the reverse turn. The following lines of dance make it easier to create links (steps).

The link stands on a walking foot slide steps just after the dance of the two normal steps. By running a string of numbers changing, you can work your way through tight spots on a crowded dance floor and resume rotation. "Sway" is just slightly inclined in the opposite direction of the dance movement line
Ballroom dance-quick step

Quicksteps: Charleston, Black Bottom, Shimmy, and perhaps the other dances of the couple became known as Quicksteps in 1923. Fox Trot's Faster Quickstep Evolution, many moves, hops, runs, quicker The dance ended with steps and turns. It is a very lively, energetic dance developed with very fast paced jazz music from the ragtime era.

 Quick steps are quick, happy, feel free to dance, slow footwork, quick, quick, slow, quick, quick tempo can be a bit complicated like other dances, a slow step on the heel, toe A quick step on the road.

The fast steps take advantage of the high speeded up and down oscillating movements. It is important to see the light on your feet, even though the movement is powerful. Necessary for the speed of dance trying to keep in sync with your partner and maintain similar tension on your feet. Expressions are more essential than other dances to express the fun side of dance.
Ballroom dance-tango

Staccato is a fox and waltz waltz from the tango set. This dance is very sensual and provocative. Generally used to a couple of dancers closer to the other dances that are temporarily disabled.

At one time it was said that Tango was a dance performed between a prostitute and her prostitute at a brothel outside Buenos Aires Argentina. Another explanation of the dance's stance and movement is that Argentinean cowboys (Gauchos) appear in the nightclub without the benefit of a shower, so women dance to dance's kneeped stance, basically Gaucho is natural Wear leather that gets soaked from their horse's sweat, which then hardens as they dry
Milonga is a pioneer of tango. It also used the same sharp head and shoulder movements and tango's characteristic sudden stops. The early 20th century Milonga was an entertainment for the high society of Brazil, and during that time it was renamed Tango
That American ballroom tango, ballroom tango and argentina tango. Unlike Tango's American and international styles, Argentine Tango is dancing in close hugs taking advantage of complex footwork and foot movements. Argentinian tango does not require a lot of movement, so it is well suited for nightclubs and other places with small dance floors. Unlike waltz, shaking and lifting and falling movements should be avoided at all costs. The desired movement is very sharp and explicit.

The music for this ballroom dance is usually an integral part of the tango music, an orchestra with a piano, a guitar, a violin, a flute, a bandoneon (a koncertina branch that looks like a small accordion).

Tango has always been a very popular dance with Hollywood filmmakers. For example Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Tia Carrere sexy, steamy Tango true lies, the secret of Arpacino Gabriel Anwartango women's scent

Judges are looking for a lot of clipped movements, sharp head turns and stops, staccato movements, and always having a slightly bent knee. I will convey this dancer to the dance needs in the spirit of the project.

Tango's movements are staccatos, but you don't want your dance to look mechanical, but to give the impression of a cat's grace. Women need to project arrogant attitude while at the same time seeming to fuse with the men's body. It must be a persuasive thing to be a temper, and it represents the perfect quietness that makes the catlike flexible movement a crisp clear switch.

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