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Modern Ballroom Dance-Standard Waltz

The standard waltz takes place in parts of Europe as early as the late 17th century, and the elegant dances of the turns and glides that are considered to be the basis of many modern dances are performed in rounds At the end of the dance, the circle was then to break into a couple who would start doing turns.

In Italy the dance was called Volta, in France the Volte, the Germans called it Weller, in Austria the dance was called Landler. They probably had some influence on all modern waltzes, but Landler's hopping movement in some respects, Landler than others, when the popularity of Waltzen in the early 19th century, some great The scale of the dance hall rose to such a great extent that it was opened to accommodate the crowd. The dance was stable during the 19th century and its popularity was helped by the music of Joseph and Johann-Strauss.

You can find a reference to the waltz back for over 400 years, but the popularity of the dance was beginning to decline until 1913 and, as the name suggests, dancing, dancing the waltz before the couple let the couple It was an endurance test in which you dance in one direction and reverse the direction when you become dizzy.

The waltz is an easy dance to master and it has the elegance and elegance that can look great. One thing that causes the beginner is that some confusion is that with 3 counts each bar is started on the other side as the last bar. The slower version of the dance is known as the English waltz, but the faster version is the waltz of the weiner. .

The waltz music is played in 1-2-3 time with a distinctive 3/4 rhythm. The dance is a simple one with just three steps, the first step (back for women), the side and the legs again with the feet together again. The first step is a power step that matches the accented first beat of the music. It is a calm dance with turns, poses and long sweeping movements. Waltz music can be found in many venues, some examples are: Regardless of which waltz, you can dance to any music, rock, country or something else at three-quarter tempo whether it is classic.

There must be a clear balance of pendulum movement and a proper balance between up and down and spatial movement in the competition social waltz. When you start moving up and down from your supporting feet, it is vital to keep the movement smooth and graceful.

It is an American smooth style waltz for some competitions. By holding a break at this couple's limit, you are more open and underarm in motion. To date, waltz is still popular worldwide.
Ballroom dance-Roomba

Unlike all other ballroom dances, they emphasize their footwork more than Roomba movements. A rhythm of dance accentuated by all types of percussion instruments, drums, pots, maracas etc. , More essential to dance than the song itself. The dance's fascinating rhythms and fascinating body movements make it one of the more popular ballroom dances.

Roomba was influenced by Spanish and Africans, with most of the dance development taking place in Cuba. Rumba evolved in the 19th century Havana and is derived from imported African black slaves. Rural rumba was originally not for exhibition but for participation. Some references say that Roomba is a pantomime of barn animal movement with stable level shoulders depicting heavy burdened slave movements but most do, but a man with her charm I look at Rumba as a love and sensual dance with a seducing woman and then tease the withdrawal. Some have pantomais of sex with a man who dances very fast in a very sensual but aggressive way with very exaggerated hip movements, and which one is right, Rumba is all Latin ballroom dance It is the most sensual of all.

Sons, Danzon, Guagira, Guaracha and Naningo are all Rumba names. A late, more sophisticated rumba son was popular among middle-class Cubans. The wealthy section of Cuban society is favored Danzon, which is a late rumba, even with very small steps and more subtle waist movements.

A modified version of Rumba, known as his son, was introduced to Americans in 1913. In the late 1920s Xavier Cugat really formed an orchestra dedicated to the next undeveloped Latin American music until about 1929. By the end of the decade Xavier had the best Latin American orchestra of his day.

Mousch Pierre Lavelle, London dance teacher, and his partner Doris Lavelle bring rumba and other Latin American dances to Europe and become popular With the help of Pierre and Label, Cuba's Rumba in 1955, finally Was chosen as the officially recognized version of Rumba.

During the ballroom dance contest, the judges will watch the following:
* Partner interaction-this is a depiction of love dance, romance. This is not time for solemn and passive expression
* Strong direct walking
* Many slow body shapes-the body never stops changing its shape
* Figure Eight Hip Roll-waist alternately with forward motion
* Never lead to the heel and stay on the ball of the foot
* The Cucaracha step-should be left swinging or replacing then closing and closing
* Fan position-Female placed on the left side of the person, at arm length and at a 90 ° angle to the person

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