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Bluetooth wireless technology is short

Bluetooth basics

Bluetooth wireless technology is short
Range communication method aimed to replace
Cable to connect portable or fixed device
While maintaining the highest level of security.

The main features provided by Bluetooth are:
Low power and cheap. Specifications in
Bluetooth defines a uniform structure for wide
Range of devices to connect with communication
each other

Technology behind Bluetooth has achieved
Global satisfaction with active devices
Anywhere in the world. Bluetooth device
Connect and communicate without wires
A network known as short distance and piconets.

Each device communicates with at the same time
Up to other devices in a single piconet,
The meaning that each device can also belong to
Several piconets at the same time. Piconet
Dynamically set as Bluetooth compatible
The device moves in and out of the radio approach.

The basics of Bluetooth strength are:
Ability to handle both data and voice transmission
At the same time, this will allow the user to play
Change of innovative solutions like hand
Free calls, printing and faxing,
And other applications.

Unlike other standards of wireless, Bluetooth
Specifications for both product developers
Application layer definition for link layer,
Support data and voice applications.

Bluetooth technology works in industry
And using a scientific band of 2.4 to 2.485 GHz, a
Spread spectrum frequency hopping signal

Bluetooth adaptive frequency hopping
Reduce interference for technology
Between Wireless Technology Sharing 2.4
GHz spectrum. Adaptive frequency hopping (AFH)
Works well within the spectrum that takes enough
Benefits of frequency available.

AFH hopping enables more effective transmission
Within the spectrum provided to the user,
Greater performance even if they use others
Technology with Bluetooth.

Bluetooth application

Bluetooth is so popular with wireless that it
Wonders there are not many applications available
Technology. Use of the following artists
For Bluetooth.

1. Wireless network
And a little bandwidth is needed.

2. Peripheral devices such as mouse, keyboard and printer.

3. There was a cell phone with Bluetooth technology
Selling in large quantities, as they can connect to
Computer, Pda (personal data assistant), various
Other devices. The standard also includes
Support for more powerful and longer distance devices.

4. Transfer between files, images and MP3,
mobile phone

5. To a specific MP3 player or digital camera

6. Bluetooth technology headset for smartphone
Mobile phones too

7. Data logging device to send data
Computer by Bluetooth technology.

8. Sony Playstation 3 and Nintendo Revolution Will
Both use Bluetooth technology for wireless

In the case of Bluetooth, there are literally hundreds
Various applications and devices
Use or buy. As you may know,
Bluetooth is the most popular wireless technology
In the world. It is very reliable, very reliable,
It is very difficult to crack.

There are many other applications for Bluetooth
Development now plans to take many of them
Wireless age to the next level. Game system
For them, use Bluetooth technology as well
Wireless controller. This news game
As Bluetooth offers the best of wireless, fans
Data transmission.

In case you are interested in Bluetooth
That you are still in development, you can search
the Internet. You can find any information,
Especially when it comes to Bluetooth. As
The future can expect Bluetooth to bring
Larger, better things.

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