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Calculate the real cost of disaster prevention

Small business owners who think that their readiness for disasters is high should be reconsidered. Being ready-and losing everything-can mean paying a much higher price.

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Calculate the real cost of disaster prevention

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Small business owners who think that their readiness for disasters is high should be reconsidered. Not ready-and lose everything-can mean paying a much higher price.

For example, in July 1996, Dalph McNeil, president and owner of Brookville Mining Equipment Corporation, faces the nightmares of all business owners when the nearby Creek is eight feet after a 24-hour downpour.

High new machinery is covered in mud and a powerful stream of water has cleaned the inventory and collapsed the 30-foot section of the wall. The flood resulted in damage and losses of approximately $ 1.6 million.

After receiving a Small Business Administration (SBA) disaster loan, McNeil relocated his plant away from Kashihara and asked one of the employees to "take the additional responsibility of the safety coordinator."

According to McNeil, the safety coordinator not only performs quality assurance and management, but also holds monthly meetings with company representatives, and all employees early warning and evacuation plans, emergencies "

"As a small business owner, I can never prepare for a disaster," says McNeil. "It is something you don't want to think about. How do you keep doing business as quickly as possible, always after a disaster? A fatalist that thinks by the worst case scenario for your business "Must be a bit." And while he expects he does not have to use the emergency plan he has in place, McNeil says he is ready for what now say

Experts say that preparation has been tailored to the company's needs, has responded to several disaster scenarios, and has begun developing such an emergency action plan. The plan should include a timetable, budget, assignment of responsibilities, steps of prevention and mitigation to be completed, and a list of risks and risks to the business, which is also a good idea to encourage employee intervention in the process.

Communication strategies are important post-disaster recovery strategies. Telephone number or email address for your insurance carrier, supplier, creditor, employee or customer, local media, utility company, and appropriate emergency response

This list should be managed by key employees and backup personnel. In order to do the appointed spokesman, I will fail in the business of the rumor that will wipe out the business.

Making sure your insurance is appropriate is another matter. According to the Insurance Information Society, a recently released survey conducted for the national hurricane survival initiative (conducted by Polling & Research on Masons Dixon

When shopping for insurance, think of property damage and loss in income and extra expenses that occur when the business stops due to a disaster. Business interruption insurance covers the necessary costs that occur while the business is closing. Many business owners do not know that basic risk insurance does not cover flood damage. Additional purchased flood insurance is essential; more than $ 1 billion sba was most of the disaster loans after last year's Gulf hurricane flood damage.

National flood insurance programs provide coverage to real estate owners. For more information, visit Flood insurance must be purchased 30 days before the disaster becomes effective.


In many states the creation Ltd was relatively in the form of offering pain. But the bylaws of the corporation are the areas you don't want to rely on the form.

It's tough. :

Corporation, Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Incorporate, Shareholder, Corporate Meeting

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In many states the creation Ltd was relatively in the form of offering pain. But the bylaws of the corporation are the areas you don't want to rely on the form.

What is the bylaws?

Bylaws are technical rules that govern how a company operates. They are private documents for corporations and have not been submitted to any government agency. The purpose of the bylaws is to define how meetings, votes, stock transfers, etc. are conducted in the business.


Bylaws are usually the largest documents in your company's book. If you are a single shareholder entity, they are not really likely to have any disputes unless you have a divided personality, so if you have multiple shareholders, It will be an important item to explain the details of voting rights.

In general, corporate bylaws cover the following specific issues:

1. Board meeting-when, where and how are the meetings held.

2. If you have to notify you in a timely manner, you will be an officer.

3. Quorum-Before a board of directors can issue a business resolution of a company, a certain percentage of directors must be present. This "Quorom" is defined in the bylaws.

4. Annual General Meeting-Bylaws usually detail when and where the annual general meeting of companies will be held.

5. Special meetings-The process by which a special board of directors is called when a problem arises that requires immediate attention of the board.

6. Voting rights-a language that passes voting rights or details shareholder and director voting rights in connection with a defeat resolution.

7. Share Transfer Right-Language Details The right to first refuse such as the issue of a stock transfer.

8. Directors – detailing the language How many board members will be, their length of term, remuneration etc.

9. Amendment-A by-law is a process that can be modified to reflect the evolution of the business.

10. Officers are unintentionally deleted about how to write removal words.

You can get into the company bylaws and there are probably many other provisions. Make sure to discuss them with your lawyer.

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