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The case against Declawing your cat

Declawing cats is a major surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia. It is actually a cutting of the last joint on each toe, and the nails themselves can not be removed easily as many believe.

Unlike most mammals that walk the soles of cats, cats walk on their feet. Their muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments are all designed to distribute their weight to the toes. Nails are not nails like human fingernails or toenails. It is actually part of the last bone of the cat's toe. If you "declaw" a human in the same way a cat is declawed, you will be cutting all ten fingers at the last joint!

There is a real possibility of major post-operative complications, and declawing is no exception. May be bleeding, infection, extreme pain and bone fragments.

There is also the possibility of nerve injury.

Cats can be withdrawn, become distant, frightening, and / or aggressive, and can often start biting. Occasionally, cats stopped using cat litter rooms right now because it was a pain to scratch the cats litter room after surgery, and now they

In some countries, cats are illegal. They considered it as abusive practice. Save the cat after use and can not use it for education. Your cat needs his nails for defense and hunting if he is lost. Look for alternative ways to save things from your cat's nails. He will be happier and healthier from the selection and happy to know what your cat's friend needs to survive.

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