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If your business card is not doing what it is supposed to do – the receiver is the desired way, leaving your strong, positive impression that it stinks.

If you read this article, it probably isn't. It is a bad smell

How can you make that prediction without looking at your business card?

Two reasons.

First reason. People keep business cards worthwhile. ..

It's tough. :
Business cards, cards, marketing, advertising, small businesses

Article body:
If your business card is not doing what it is supposed to do – the receiver is the desired way, leaving your strong, positive impression that it stinks.

If you read this article, it probably isn't. It is a bad smell

How can you make that prediction without looking at your business card?

Two reasons.

First reason. People, in their minds, have value cards that have information about people, products and services that they find interesting or that they think they need, it makes sense, right?

In my opinion, such business cards are ugly-or cheap-or if someone who might be normal choose to keep it (for good business reasons,

However, most business cards are almost immediately discarded. According to the research I have seen, over 90% of the business cards are thrown the same day they are received. Less than 1% of business cards are retained over thirty days.

Some people throw away business cards, because they store their information in an alternate format (such as an electronic business card scanner), but they are not worthy to the recipient

In other words, they give off a bad smell. They are cheap. They are literally worthless.

Two stinks why you believe in your business card.

I do not have statistical data to back this up, but many businessmen are nervous or embarrassed at the time they are actually handing over a business card to someone

Maybe Mr. Business is having a great conversation with potential customers. She smiles at her company, her perspective smiles and is really inspiring and inspiring about the newest wonder widget looking looking interested but it is time for her to deliver the company's business card Something happens when you come.

She is grimaces. She is jealous. The tone of her voice changes. She is "well, here is my business card." Instead, eagerly, give someone with confidence this excellent example of the professionalism and qualifications of his company, this wonderful, amazing business card-her

Or maybe you felt it yourself-a spirit twinge, or an inside voice that says "maybe he is not impressed" or "my card is not as good as my competitor"-your company card to someone Instead of giving it, you actually show it to someone else ... feel reluctant to let it judge.

After all, that card is your baby. Maybe you worked hard to create a card. Maybe I had a long business card to be attached to it. In any case, if someone throws out the card or puts it in the pants pocket without looking at it, it feels like a rejection. If they do not accept the card, they do not.

So ... If you are concerned about your business card smelling, you can not deal with it without fear of being discovered what it wants

Of course, there are objective criteria to use when evaluating business cards. And change the degree of "smell". "

For example, crowded business cards, stinks. Business cards that do not give you an idea of ​​what product or service they provide can be stinking. Business cards that waste space behind cards may be stinking, but certainly not fully utilized.

And business cards kept, remembered and not used by your customers or prospects stink.

In which case the booklet works

It's easy for you to make that big sale when you can send off your professional and cozy feeling to your prospects with your brochure.

It's tough. :
Brochure, printing, service

Article body:
Nothing is easy in the business world. All must be done with hard work, goals and good tactics.

Let's face it, most advertising materials end up with brochure basket especially. The time spent at Oita's company is not the brochure of every San Diego company, but rather its services and products. This most readers can't read cover brochures, instead throw away and keep further versions. This is often a common mistake that businesses frequently commit – often a costly mistake. Therefore, if the heading and cover page are the same, you should be given much attention as they will give the inner page. .

Let's say we were able to create so good headlines and cover pages Is that enough? Are you ready for the reader to make a brochure? The best thing to do is ask yourself, your customers, prospects and acquaintances. Ask an expert if you were able to create a brochure that looks and presses to contact the readers. It looks like your guidance, so I'm worried about the prospect of a bad printer, but it's another store for the scout off. In addition, you can ask questions if you have a brochure. You have to say that there is no scale if not. We will send you a printed brochure on the original postcard. It is good to provide information. I need to know something to my readers.

Also ask if your brochure can prompt prospects to make an action. This means you will receive an e-mail or bill at the store by making a call or prompting you to stop. Additionally, find out if your readers are given a reason to keep the brochure, even if you are not interested in your product now. How to do this Do not put a recipe on the back of the brochure If you know that most of your customers can be women or you can put a calendar on it The reader easily contacts this Ask yourself if you can find destination information. Make sure you put your phone number, email address and website in a convenient location. The reader does not waste his time searching the entire brochure to find your contact information. It is a big loss that there is no problem.

Understand what to buy from people who feel comfortable. Therefore, it makes a big sale when you can send your brochure a professional and comfortable feeling to your prospects

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