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How to kill your competitor's product and get a big big laugh while doing it

I'll never forget the day one of my competitors copied our products and services and began to imitate! At first I told myself that it was "flattering" or at least I do not want to get angry burning. I kept telling myself, "the competition is the world".

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I'll never forget the day one of my competitors copied our products and services and began to imitate! At first I told myself that it was "flattering" or at least I do not want to get angry burning. I kept telling myself, "the competition is the world".

After showing a few similar ads, the same size, the same publication, the same frequency of viewing months and the following exhibitions, I decided to do something about it. I did so up-front, aggressive, on your face, humiliating, embarrassing, and but in a legal way, it's my convention's once and for all!

As we know, our products are better, more stable, or competitors' products. It inspired them to see our advertising efforts and "piggyback" take advantage of our success by having "I also have" products. We read and heard their claim that our product was rubbish and only rubbish caused me to act. My company used their negative comments and turned them into advertising campaigns, which resulted in the death of the product and we did every minute of it

Due to similarities with our products and competition, we often received bitter calls about their products. Every month many phones come and become smart and if you want to "switch", we started to discount our products! All they had to do was to send us their non-working competition products, and we needed our products (usually 30%, sometimes more

There are a few things that have been done with the "switch" by providing.

1-It made us look better than our competition. We believe our customers are actually our excellent piece for the "death" trade! Overwhelms the inferior products of manufacturing that was not yet.

2- It enhanced our sales. Defending the call of "unhappy camper" was coming wrong to our office, turned them into a positive "happy camper".

3- Our reputation as "good guys" has become even more pronounced. Customers throughout our enterprise follow our customer service and our product popularity

4-Customer started to advertise our products for us. Many of our clients were used in trade magazine publications and provided us with personal written proofs displayed in industry trade shows.

As this was not enough, we then began to publicize our offers while attending national and international trade shows. This is by far the most efficient and the best "kill your competition" move; we have been our entire 21 year business.

Remember, they claimed that our products were trash. If you listen closely enough to your competition rhetoric, you can pick up some pretty cool ideas. In particular, if you tend to fight back with claims in the "in your face" type and back them up with sound behavior and documentation. It has been reported that the "document" beat the "conversation" and we had hardcore evidence that our competitive product was well rubbish!

"The best action in your face ... We hung acrylic (see) From the top of our booth, all the trade shows" CAN THE LINK " Was the name of the product). What was packed in the trash was a chunk of their product! Packed with cans, hang on the end and hang to see 10 feet of air for everything. It was very effective for the customer to take a picture and cheer for "High Five". At one particular show, the executive director of the exhibition was such an attraction that I asked to take it. I asked him if we violated any exhibition policy, he said no. So, I politely refused, informed him of the nasty tactics of the competition and informed the director that it was our intention to increase the pressure on the upcoming show. We are by hanging more trashcans

To add humility, some of the customers had decided (all by themselves) said the link negative about the link The owners of the company in a bright pink competition with a refund for them Worse just walking around the shirt display until they wrote the check, they were out of their booth

My friend is a way to kill your competitor products while doing it and get a big big laugh!

Your interest in

The poster can be any of the promotional material that you can use for people who know what you are offering. But you need to make people who read your poster stand out among your competitors.

It's tough. :
Poster, printing, online, digital

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Modern life is busy with almost all people. If they are not at work or school, you can find them at parties, concerts, or events including music, food and drinks. It's about the life of all Americans today. In this busy lifestyle, if you are a business owner offering new products or services or a businessman trying to entice new customers

The posters can be used by those who know these promotional materials. But you need to make people who read your poster stand out among your competitors. Has already used the right colors, images, attractiveness in design posters and interesting. What else can it do to make it more impressive than the rest possible? Well, do you give special consideration to the contents of the posters so far? Are your headlines really eye-catching? Do you think your message has been obtained clearly to your target customers? If you can't answer these questions quickly with a big yes, then take a closer look to what your poster headlines say seriously

So what makes a good headline? If you are considering introducing a few hints, I have grabbed a poster. First, you have to create a heading that is short, clear, and straight to the point. You have to get to points quickly so don't have a few seconds to catch the reader's attention. Use caution holding words to keep your readers reading by the whole poster. Second, keep in mind your potential audience when creating a headline. Remember what they need, what they dislike, the problems they usually have, and the solutions they need. And put it into a simple word and a way to appeal to your target audience when explaining the benefits of your product or service.

Make sure that the rest of the poster effectively explains what you and your business need to know once you get the reader's attention Again, make it as simple as possible and instruct points. Remember, it only takes milliseconds for the reader to know if the material is worth the time or not. And if the rest of the poster isn't as headlined, we don't waste time trying to figure out what nobody is trying to say to them. And you don't have the chance to sell if your audience doesn't read what you write.

So, create a poster that speaks headlines and content to your customers. Let's talk for you. After all, if people find the posters interesting, they will continue reading. This means selling for you.

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