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Chinese consumers say "send it in our way" if it is from the United States

Americans are always proud to buy "made in the United States" products, but that Chinese consumers' hunger to buy our own products is steadily increasing

It's tough. :
Chinese consumers say "send it in our way" if it is from the United States

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Americans are always proud to buy "made in the United States" products, but that Chinese consumers' hunger to buy our own products is steadily increasing

Middle-class polls in emerging cities in China-sometimes called "Chuppies"-revealed that they would like to see more choices of American goods at local stores conducted by Research International, conducted by UPS In a commissioned survey, Chinese consumers from 1,140 to 20 to 59 were polled in six cities

Toppings also have high quality personal care amenities such as shampoos, shower gels and toothpaste. The following wish list appliances such as digital cameras and laptops, apparel and fashion accessories are music and DVDs / videos.

Quality comes first to Chinese consumers when deciding what to buy. Six percent of the polls cited products purchased before you think that quality is the most important factor. The price / value continued at 18%, which was more important for older respondents than young ones.

"This study shows that Chinese consumers offer great opportunities to many American SMEs and are interested in higher quality American products," Ku "UPS already has this middle-income We operate 21 direct flights weekly between the US and China, indicating that class purchasing power is exploding. "

The company has launched research to help its customers know which US products are in high demand and to keep track of consumer trends in China.

The survey also gives you a glimpse of spending habits of different age groups. For example, Chinese consumers over the age of 40 are more interested in imported toiletries and healthcare products / pharmaceuticals. In contrast, consumers aged 20-29 are fascinated by most appliances, American apparel and fashion accessories.

Chinese consumers bought more American products for dental treatment from digital cameras, while American consumers regularly buy Chinese products

I give free consultation ... Well, why don't they hire me?

Consultations with leaders and consultants will send potential customers. It is an inherent nature because we want to showcase good problem solvers, our competentability. The next time someone shows an interest in your coaching and consulting practice reads to learn what they actually do instead of your ideal, committed client ....

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What I hear from time to time, after I show my customers how to answer questions, is "yes, what to do?"

"A great piece Anna, people now get what I do" and say, "Yeah, I can certainly do with such help" but they do What are you doing wrong? I get them talking about problems and help them arrive at the solution. If you want to ask then I will support you too much. They say, "No, I am fine at the moment, I will inform you." "

Coaches will feel inspired to feel as consultants. It is an inherent nature because we want to showcase good problem solvers, our competentability. Next time someone will be interested in your practice and will ask questions to discover some challenges, but at the moment do not try to solve.

You see ... they do not need a "prize" session that you are convinced to be a good coach. We are troubled or pointed out what is not necessary question design. You will see enough care to learn the whole picture of what is happening and you will peek interest in hiring you. About ", it is more useful than those who want to leave.

Ask, listen carefully and file the answers of your heart. Next we will talk about the ideal solution. Not your solution, but a general ideal solution. Use phrase like:

"If you can't do it, give more confidence than you felt ..."
"If you can make better decisions, it's probably ideal ..... yes?"

This one:

"I offer free coach meetings and then I will not always change them."

You should provide a free coach "assessment" meeting of what I recommend. But in the password entry area etc., we will try and solve how people are not bad at a stretch. A simple question to ask before they are going to clear your problems and why you can help if you are not committed to advance or do not have money is:

"How do you solve it?"

If they are "very committed", they can suggest coach plans that suit their needs and budget. You will see them:

 -You know yours by asking questions that you get in your heart of dissatisfaction
 -They need your help-talk about the ideal solution and get their agreement
 -With a dedicated coach from you, they can reach an ideal solution.
 -Thank you for coming out X number of sessions are being held

We will help you to have a deeper show professionalism and a resolution and a subsequent coaching session. If there is no money or a decision to get rid of problems in the person or the organization we are not safely our ideal customer and there are a lot out there who are

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Copyright 2005. Anna Kanary and Emerging Wisdom Enterprises. Tsutsu " her today!

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