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Columbus Heritage

If you think about the first thing you learned about American history, the ones that fly out are Columbus voyaging the blue of the ocean, and it is correct that America found 1492 is correct, but we will see that Columbus later America The study of history has become more scholarly that there is controversy as to whether or not it has totally been discovered, so this legend of Columbus has made such a respected figure in his cultural history of America What is the real heritage that is given to culture?

In many of Columbus's stories, in the first review, Columbus was not a myth at driving the history of discovering America to a level of myth that touches on superhero worship. An explorer named Columbus made three bold trips across the sea, and during those trips he surely discovered the "new world". "His ship was really named Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria, he certainly did embark on one of those three voyages in 1492.

Columbus's legacy is more than just the fact of his exploratory journey and its consequences. There is reason to believe that Columbus's legendary "American Discovery" North American soil does not occur somewhat further south of somewhere in the Bahamas. However, Columbus' heritage is in his spirit, the challenges he has taken are part of the American spirit and we are strongly aware of it.

Part of the legend is that Columbus embarked on this journey for a new world despite the general "scientific" conviction that the world was flat Has emerged enough documentation to show that he did not believe in the teaching. Their extensive knowledge of voyage and astronomy is important for a successful maritime voyage, enough to let the crew know that the Earth is round and never "falls from the edge" but these brave men's images Start out in the sea against advice on public opinion to find new things, so exciting this god

The adventure and deep-seated need to conquer new land to reach beyond the reach of its own, reach beyond the reach of its own, and the need for deep-seated needs of Americans It is at the core of faith whether the country Americans were long before there was any reason to believe that they had the resources to solve the great nation. That part of the American spirit, these bold in the face of certain dangers, so that he can discover new land too and have a great adventure

Columbus' legacy is also in the American desire to explore. The source of the quote is the only science fiction show, even the fictional spaceship "Enterprise" 's "mission" has a deep desire in the minds of all Americans

Space, the last frontier. These are the voyages of the spacecraft enterprise. Her five-year mission: explore the strange new world. Explore new life and new civilization. Boldly go to places where no one has been before.

For Americans, James Kirk's mission is the complete return of Christopher-Columbus's mission. And that is the mission of the United States driving the discovery of this country and its citizens and the achievements that have never been done before. It is the spirit of all American Columbus who is one of the things that made this great country.

Great war

The history of America is adorned by some of the great conflicts that have fought for great ideals, by civilization so far. This was never true in World War II, sometimes called a great war. As is often the case, it was not war that America wanted to join. So often, she is forced to respond when an invader brings war to America. But in all cases where America responds, anger is one that her enemies will rarely forget.

The idea of ​​world war is terribly frightening when you think about it. And in every way, it involved virtually every country and every continent of the year-long global conflict, so World War II was a World War and the enemies of America and its allies were armed and intellectual So it was decisive and powerful. But America is up to the challenge, and if Hitler's likes dare to threaten this civilization again, it is up to the challenge again.

World War II was, in fact, the textbook case of perfect collaboration with allies. Working with them, as we were one country and one army, we fight from Europe to Asia, Russia, and multiple battle theaters around the world We fight against multiple enemies It was necessary. It threatens to capture the country after the country, swallow the whole continent, and move to capture land in Central Asia, and even America, Europe

However, German allies, especially Japan, had powerful enemies. When this horrific enemy struck our power at Pearle Harbor, it was a blow to America that could not be ignored. For Japan, they cost all Americans men, women, children, but all the hope to get rid of all hope from the American heart so that they can help defeat the American army and fight back or become part of the conflict. Regardless, they gathered to build a war machine that would collapse the Axis powers, so they

But the most important thing that told the world when America defeated them in the army of Hitler, the totalitarian rule of the free people is never tolerated Hitler, the great Roman of the early German Empire, was great Had a dream of world conquest like a great king. But America left the dictator and threw us when we created this country and declared that we would not be kings or tyrants. We did not intend to hand over the fierce fighting freedom to the madman while there was the fighting spirit left in this country.

It was not an easy fight. Thousands of American youths have given life to maintain the freedom that has been earned by our ancestors. Our leaders must show their resolve and unity not to flash in the face of challenges, brave America until Hitler and his allies are defeated

The world saw what America was made up of that big confrontation. It is a rich country that is blessed with rich and prosperous countries that actively go to their allies to protect those resources. It was a tough lesson to know that our enemies are not a country that does America in trivial battles. But, even if we defeat, we reach out to Japan, Germany, and other defeated people, and when we help them rebuild from their terrible war, we are also malicious in the spirit of America. And testimony of the American sense of fair play. They find that the United States can not respond to the call for battle or to her legacy of honor, as Hitler did.

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