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In the chronology of American history, there may not be other country names that evoke feelings like Vietnam's country. The history of this conflict is more than a mere military struggle. The impact of the Vietnam conflict on American culture and foreign policy is truly a basin war in the life of a relatively young country.

Vietnam was apparently not on the surface as a moral battlefield, as was the Second World War and civil war. As such, it made it more difficult to understand and patriotic as Americans were in the previous war. Yes, as in past conflicts, we were protecting South Vietnamns against the attacks of our allies, the North communist neighbors. As such, it has become a difficult struggle to support the allies, which have long been accepted by the United States.

But the war was not only in northern Vietnam. To a great extent, the war was against Russians who used a Vietnamese theater to wear down the Chinese and American combat forces. It was a war that lasted for decades before Americans were involved as a regional battle.

Many foreign powers were defeated when the United States entered this conflict, so it was a very different kind of war than used to us the army was mixed with the population. Also uniform formation-battle as a fighting theater may occur anywhere or anytime. Combining it with the hostile jungle setting and the complete lack of any combat protocol, you are lost if the road to success is not very difficult

Vietnam is also a hurricane of the great resistance movement that started in the American soil to stop the conflict. The resistance movement has brought about major changes in social structure, with the rise of the youth movement, the hippies, and the rapid increase of citizenship and women's rights movement. This made navigation as a nation very difficult during the late 1950s and early 1970s.

Vietnam set up aggression, major battles, back, and somewhat followed the predictable path of our power reorganization. In the face of major issues in military terms, many new war scenarios have shown this difficult battle setting. As the number of casualties increases, there is no clear definition of victory, there is little clear victory to show an advantage over the Americans, and the civilians maintain support for the war effort

The Vietnamese one is in conflict with the US. We came out of a huge success that we saw our army bring in battle. Hitler's defeat and the Axis powers of World War II give the American sense of God's calling and conception that we are good men and we always win, but we win in Vietnam It was not possible.

The United States has shown a devout dedication to the notion of support of allies in the state of the warring states when entrusting troops to the Vietnam conflict. However, there were many lessons to learn about the conflict between strategy with high preparation and success rates. In later years of war such as the Grenada, Balkans, and the liberation of Kuwait, the United States has learned to win with a large force before falling into a long civil war.

So we can praise our courage and our willingness to learn from tough wars like Vietnam. The lessons to be learned from Vietnam are still resolved. But in the end, even if the result is not the desired result, we are on line for friends, so we will be a better country and a stronger country

Thomas-Jefferson is one of the great heroes of the revolution, and as an early definition of what this country will be, almost a deity from the early history of America Sometimes it stands very tall in history It's easy to look at and think, it's probably part of myth. However, when you look at the history of the times, he is all great, as our worship suggests The

Thomas Jefferson's service to the new American Union continued for fifty years. He did not contribute to the core philosophical foundation when I was based on our democracy, he only provided in various offices and some in developing countries ...

* Provided at the 1775-Continental Conference
* 1776-I wrote the declaration of independence
* 1779-1781-Governor of Virginia
* 1783 elected to parliament
* 1784-1789-Secretary of France and Minister
* 1790-1793-First Secretary of State of America under George Washington
* 1797-1801-Executive Vice President of the United States
* 1801-1809-Third President of the United States
* 1803 – approved and helped launch Lewis and Clark expedition
* 1803 – Purchased Louisiana area for the United States
* 1815-Launch of the Library of Congress
* 1825-University of Virginia established

This phenomenal record of achievement is virtually incomparable in any public service record of equivalent civil servants. However, Jefferson's contribution was more than just office serving, he laid the foundation for American ideology in one or two of his hours,

It is impossible to overemphasize the outcome of his declaration of independence. This document takes such a central position in American history and can be seen with the reverence normally reserved for religious documents, so it is eloquent to Jefferson's ideals Confidence and value of the government's American system, which can be viewed as a true minister and prophet of

Thomas-Jefferson also strongly believe in the fate of the manifest and the western expansion of the country as long as the Pacific. He provided inspiration, famous for discovering vast new lands and treasures in the heart of America and responsible for providing inspiration to the country

Jefferson had a thirst for knowledge that was virtually unquenchable. He passed that passion for learning at the University of Virginia building. But his contribution to education that made such a huge mark on American society is that it is an amazing experiment in public education that citizens of any community have free access to a large amount of information. But today, most of us can imagine a world that can not always be "checked out in the library". Libraries are at the heart of the American way of life.

Thomas-Jefferson affects every aspect of society, from the education system of the growing country to the government, and the whole concept of how "the separation of the church and the nation" is, how does America do this important topic? It was defended by Jefferson.

Sometimes in our book it was clear that the separation of the church and the state worked, because in some cases the government could limit the illegal restriction of the religious rights of the citizens In fact, it encourages the freedom of all religions where American citizens need to respect and worship full openness

Looking back on this guy, Thomas-Jefferson's genius, I appreciate that he was an important time-time guy like the development of the great nation of the United States

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