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Communicate with full color business cards

To get attention, it must be different from all the rest. Just imagine this: so many business cards all over your target customer's table and floor. Almost all business cards are black and white. Except 2 or 3 business cards. Some of these business cards are printed in color shingles. Which one do you think will catch your target customer's attention?

Business card printing, business card printing, business card printing, printing, online printing company

Article body:
To get attention, it must be different from all the rest. Just imagine this: so many business cards all over your target customer's table and floor. Almost all business cards are black and white. Except 2 or 3 business cards. Some of these business cards are printed in color shingles. Which one do you think will catch your target customer's attention?

It's a well-known fact that something looks good, especially if you use it in your marketing medium. A shrewd business owner knows the power that color can provide your promotion tool. Rather than the standard black and white of your business card, full color business cards look better, yes, smarter. I would like to know your interests and be conscious of it.

Full-color business cards will surely understand your information read more.

In addition, it is the first meeting of the period even after recognizing and remembering the chance that the business card printing sheet will be held so that the color can be drawn.

And these are the graphic artists who are trying to sell to the idea of ​​using a full color business card for your marketing tools. The research is actually a normal black, not a double color material for the general public It shows that there is a possibility of being fascinated by and white. In fact, research shows that those who use colors in materials such as business cards are more specialized, more prepared, more enthusiastic Identites than those who provide single colors, so they can also color We will guide you to potential buyers who will lead you persuasively.

Nevertheless, as with any printing project, full-color business card printing also makes it a target for which you can not report much as appropriate for your part when deciding to use color. In fact, what is really important-messages from the object halls such as the target companies and the St. George's Memorial Church in terms of color is annoying. Always remember that color is a tool to communicate your message clearly and concisely to your target audience.

So minimize everything. Don't get excited and don't go overboard with the use of your business card color. The simplicity of your full color business card practice results in a more successful project than anything that is often done with enthusiastic designs and layouts

Commercial lithographic printing

Commercial printing of smooth surface artwork is known as lithographic printing. It is widely used to print text on paper and other materials. A long, complex process lithography uses an entire printing block to contact a sheet of paper and get the original image with the help of a chemical process.

Commercial printing, commercial lithographic printing, full color commercial printing, commercial photo printing

Article body:
Commercial printing of smooth surface artwork is known as lithographic printing. It is widely used to print text on paper and other materials. A long, complex process lithography uses an entire printing block to contact a sheet of paper and get the original image with the help of a chemical process.

Since the blocks of print used in the process are flat, lithographic printing is also known as printing process of pla. The expert draws the desired image on the surface of the block with the help of oil-based medium and acid emulsified with gum arabic. This then creates a salt layer around the image. The result of the etching of the throat is that it is absorbed in this salt layer.

Using turpentine oil, the pullout material is now removed, leaving behind a layer of salt that retains the traces of the original design. If you need to print, wet the stone with water and ink the surface. This combination of paper and stone passes through a press that transfers ink to paper and results with beautiful, clear printouts.

Over the years, many improvements have been made to this basic lithograph process to achieve a high level of commercial ability. In the United States, various industries have been established, including lithographic printing of letterheads, labels and other high demand stationery items.

People in the printing industry consider the lithographic process to be an excellent way to print text and illustrations. With the application of this innovative process you can get 1,000,000 impressions at once, with a medium length, short. In addition to printing newspapers and books, printing companies may use lithographic printing for general commercial printing, quick printing, printing business forms and legal documents

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