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Corporate crime

Do you want to reduce corporate crime? Stop paying big business fines! There is a better way.

It's tough. :
Corporate Crime, Inc., Ideas

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Corporate Crime? I do not know if there is such a thing. If we want to reduce the crimes that are given that lable, we have to give the company a big punitive fine and finish. The idea is not as radical as it sounds.

First of all, when I say that there is no such thing as corporate crime, I simply mean that it is an individual who always commits a crime. It is a crime that this crime may have some aspect because it is impossible to imagine so far!

<b> Who pays for business crimes? </ b>

Exactly who pays when a large corporation is fined to break the law? First, shareholders pay. Many of these were innocent retirees with funds invested in the company and did not know that they were breaking the law. Employees then pay unemployment when the company's financial condition is impaired by a fine. Who is not paying? Just a criminal-an individual who chooses to break the law.

All crimes are committed by people, not companies. When a company dumps the environment, one has made a decision to do it (or some people). Individuals have made those decisions when the company steals from a pension fund or violates workers' rights. People commit corporate, not corporate crime!

If you want to stop corporate crimes, start putting in the individuals involved in the crimes in jail. Our current systems often perform cost / benefit calculations and violate laws and regulations, and stand on their own to determine whether the benefit from a particular crime is greater than the amount to which occasional fines may be added. It is your responsibility. Why aren't they responsible?

It is appropriate to fine the company for the actual costs imposed on others by the crime. We need to clean up the toxic turmoil and in other cases compensate people who suffer damages. This also means that the shareholders have a reason to note who they elected to the board. However, "punitive" fines are ridiculous unless they are collected for individual offenders. Make a person who committed a crime pay a fine.

Is this a fundamental idea like that? I do not think so! By the way, do you think that you are likely to stop corporate officers after committing a crime, paid by the company, and not affecting his pay, the answer is that we have corporate crimes Give the answer to

Community Vs.

I am convinced that you have heard the phrase "number safety" before. In the animal world, they know that predators have less chance of being successful during an attack when they have many of them, so in the living small business world, entrepreneurs are It is an animal wandering from a herd.

It's tough. :
Business, networking, ethics, fraud prevention

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I am convinced that you have heard the phrase "number safety" before. In the animal world, they live in most cases because they know that predators have less chance of being successful during an attack when there are many of them instinctively. If the victim is usually a flock of ill or weak members. This is an important part of the process of natural selection and maintains the survival process of many species.

Meanwhile, they instinctively search for prey, so they know that some potential diets have the ability to protect themselves, so go with the pack and go some pack without the pack This will guarantee the survival of the species too, since the person will literally die.

In the large corporate world, the herd and pack are replaced by a board of directors, a team of employees, shareholders and subsidiaries. These are groups of people who come together to pool their abilities to support agendas and corporate goals. In essence, this guarantees the business's future success. In the large corporate world, failure companies are often absorbed by successful ones due to mergers and acquisitions. Large companies are rarely "out of business" or extinct. They are usually purchased by just another large company.

In the small business world, entrepreneurs are flocking animals. Sometimes it happens because of unemployment, but often there is a desire to be independent of the politics of a company, or just to be independent. Fortunately for small business owners, the community is where it can count on others to help them succeed. Business-Business-Network community.

All small business owners are aware of the success opportunities involved in business networking. In fact, if you were guessing how many companies are involved in networking, you would guess the number to less than about 10 percent of all businesses. Not only are there many opportunities to get more new business in the networking environment, but also in the business community to be more successful

Why do I link the safety of numbers, animals and small businesses? In the business world, there are predators. Companies frequently threaten in small business environments where part of the business is a patent, copyright, server firewall, policy, and a myriad of these dedicated employees and other features that often occur on a daily basis Not aware of, and if we do, rarely we have an average within our budget that protects ourselves from them.

Ask a question Have you ever worked for someone who rejected you? If you have never had this experience, I will admire your extreme streak of good luck. On the other hand, maybe this painful experience may appear on the horizon as you have not been in business for a very long time.

In any case, what does you do when this happens to you? Contact a lawyer? File suit? Complain to a friend? Do you accept it and move it? Most people simply accept it and tend to move. In some cases, you can write it off as your tax loss, and may involve inventory, but in some cases there is no financial solution A sad reality is often for you Justice, satisfaction, and ultimately no payment.

When one opens the metaphorical door of their little business, they do so with a lot of enthusiasm. We need a great deal of positive mental attitude to maintain the daily pressure on the conference costs. That means that even if things are tough, you are bright, and you have to move forward to survive. This world of positive attitude dictates that we eliminate negative thinking so that we can remain focused on our goals. In fact, as the small business owner community grows, it is almost silent rules that negativity is removed from conversations of all levels. You won't want to admit future clients after all things are not going well and file bankruptcy if you haven't closed this contract

Entrepreneurs are reluctant to talk about this negative experience as predators attack small business owners and feed them in the same vein. In some cases, predators work within the victim's peer group. As predators continue to feed, some members of the group may have been victims, but it is negative about the other "nice" members of the group that they are about the predators If they say negative things, they fear that they will be seen in a negative way.

People are afraid to be blamed for slandering another. They do not believe that this person really does what they are being accused of, and if they become voices they further detract from their own reputation, did you feel like this? Is this happening to you? I bet that some people reading this feel the same way.

The truth is my opinion, this is just my opinion, and as long as the predator is allowed to continue to function in the group, it continues to harm individuals in the group and they are a good part of the group After sacrificing, they simply move. So how can we stop it? Is it just a question of taking responsibility to protect others? It must be a matter of risking our own reputation as trying to protect others

Predators will continue to do business as usual until we change the paradigm of responsibility and belief. It is acceptable to hear the honest truth about someone who looks like a "nice" person until we can find it, predators prosper in our paradise unless we have a blindfold , The safety of the numbers. Without the ability to speak out of the experience we have, without contaminating our own reputation, we continue to suffer losses.

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