Drive to find employment as a company flight attendant and take a certain amount of decisions that few people have. If you still sense that your work in Private Jet is your "call", the following information will help.
It's tough. :
Community crew, business aviation, cabin attendants, community crew community
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I do not pretend that this is the easiest topic to write about. In fact, my knowledge of how to find work as a private flight attendant is mainly based on what others have shared with me. You can find some useful tips in the many threads written in the corporate flight attendant community forum, but:
<b> Cold call. Time honoring and time testing This is an important way to find a job, and it is also one of the most difficult for the majority of people to do. If you don't know the freedom of people increases, Jonathan-Doofan's securing work is omitted. You can achieve much by trying this unskilled step. .. practice, practice, practice, you get the hang of it. I will try by not many things I can do with peace of mind. Always be careful. A: All people fulfilling employment while using potential contacts; conversely, you may also be able to help someone too.
<b> Attend a meeting. </ b> Attending NBAA related meetings and events will get your name and face there. Preferably, you are also pilots of cabin class jets, including Global Express, GV and Falcon Jet 2000, especially many Pyro NBAA's annual conferences are not only very important venues for networking, but also they Area conference of the day.
It is also a jet that flies many of the companies that display a directory list with a copy of the NBAA staff. In addition, members have access to event event message boards and other important information.
How about attending the annual NBAA Flight Attendant Conference? Yes, it is a network that attends industrial seminars for details on important places you can. While many new people will tell you to save your money for some large veterans, it will make them call you: conference expenses, hotels, transportation The cost can be added significantly. Many people have the luxury of taking part in every event.
<b> Local Airport Events. </ b> Does your airport have a seminar? Are you talking about key industry leaders? Well, why not attend? Certainly, anti-icing / anti-icing of aircraft may not be the most exciting topic, but it is for pilots. what do you think it is? Attend some of the same people you want to fly. what do you think it is? Then there is usually social time. After recent clashes involving corporate jets you certainly want to be knowledgeable about the best practices of companies including ice. Oh, by the way, I have a copy of your business card to distribute with you some copies of your resume. Yes, get your business cards made and be prepared to share them generously.
Advisory for this local airport-help the board with special areas, outreach-programs, organized airport big events, etc. Whatever you want to do, it will get your face and name out there It is a plus that helps. In this business, your name is gold. Promote it and protect it for everything that is worth it! Become a successful self-marketer / promoter.
<b> Internet. </ b> With Google search, you will read all pages of interest related to Business Aviation and start bookmarking. The internet is updated frequently in information and other libraries.
<b> Corporate Flight Attendant Community </ b> Click on the link in the resource box below. I am a person who wants to be a private crew for the resource center where this site is being created, and I recommend that approach. I draw from the perspective of private flight attendants themselves, especially cabin crew members, to convey what is happening in the industry as well as industry leaders. Useful articles, relevant links, catering information, resume postings, message boards are some of the more important features of the community. This is a truly niche community and has received the attention and respect of many people in the industry.
A message board of particular importance for learning / growth / networking. Almost everyone is working in the field as a crew already under full time or contract to participate. Others are still working on technologies that others need to provide significant help or guidance to businesses, but they need to enter businesses. Let me say this: your screen name is your business and I have your screen name and true identity a lot of business relationships and friendships of our members for the message board It was done between. The open chat time by participating in is useful for "meeting" in the afternoon [private message].
<b> Job site. </ b> Internet List There are many sites on aviation related work. They include: Skyjobs, Plan Work, AviaNation, 350, Lift to AEPS and Air Employment Board. This last community, please click on the appropriate link in the resource employment box below [Air Resource Board] I run the company flight attendants Kie Naturally, it is my preferred way, but how many of the other sites Is too convenient. Unlike air hire boards, most charge monthly charges to register. Big tip: Sign from the work listed on the "Payment site" with the free site. Look if you notice any differences in the work listed. For corporate flight attendants, do not expect many jobs listed publicly in any case. Just not at every point of time available at most, most companies do not want to advertise their openings publicly.
<b> Agency. </ b> AirCareCrews; Integrity Flight Crew, LLC, Jet Professionals, Inc .; JS Company; Turner Services are some of the names associated with offering employment services there. Don't expect many opportunities. Your call.
I think I'm going to do something about it. Much depends on your own initiative; I find that those individuals who do the most exploration have an easier time finding jobs. If you want to fly something in the enterprise, it is permanent. Another good property: flexible. This includes being motivated to move and able to work on 24/7/365.
Hiring from a company's flight attendant carrier
Untrained training is a flight attendant for companies that secures for all critical steps. The next step is just hiring and has its own special challenges.
It's tough. :
Corporate Flight Attendant, Cabin Owner, Corporate Jet Catering, Business Aviation, Private Jet
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Yes, made it through the interview process and received an offer for employment. Congratulations However, there are several things to consider before accepting or rejecting an offer for employment. How to respond to these questions will determine if the job is really worth it:
Is this a full time, part time, temporary, or contract location? However, it also applies to Okara, which is known for its excellent design and use. Please try to get the official offer in writing-if it contains a heavy duty legal language, consider contacting an employment professional or a lawyer for guidance
Are you paid daily, hourly, by work or by hourly salary? How long are you expected to work? Does the company pay overtime? Bonus? Profit sharing? Is this location with a "91" operator [meaning long crew duty day] or 135 operator [with a limited duty day]?
Are you a flight attendant? Cabin Attendant? Host / Hostess? The title makes a difference because the high position determines the level of payment and training. Does your new company pay for initial and recurrent training, ie facts or FlightSafety? Do they need it? Do you offer other training?
What is your advantage? Do you have full health and dental coverage? Are you covered under HMO, PPO, POS, or some other plan? Your company's self-insured, ie they do not use the services of a healthcare provider, but do they pay as they go. Which part of your insurance would you pay? What is the upper limit of insurance? Is the prescription covered? What about the family-are they covered?
What kind of retirement plan is offered? 401 (k)? Traditional pension scheme? No plan? Are you responsible for providing as much work salary as your own retired? How much vacation days will you receive? paid holidays? Soft versus hard days? Personal and sick days?
Will the company repay for education expenses? Glasses? Out of the Pocket Cost? Do they offer cell phones, laptop computers, or PDAs? What are the other benefits? How do you cook? Aircraft supply? Uniforms? Do you need to pay for it and seek redemption? How long does it take to refund? Does the company offer cash advances? Are you given a company credit card? What type of hotel is Crewmembers staying at?
If you have an offer too low or you have to pay more from your own pocket for the benefit than what is customary
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