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Customers and market specialized services by SME network

There is good news! The book yourself solid small business networking tactics operates from an entirely different perspective; it is all about connecting and sharing with others. All you need is to shift your point of view from one of scarcity and fear to one of abundance and love.

It's tough. :

Customers, More Customers, Small Business Marketing Coaches, Professional Business Marketing, Personal Opening Marketing

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Customers and market specialized services by SME network

Like marketing and sales thinking-It is possible that networking thinking may be overshadowed. When most service professionals hear the word "networking," they think about the old school business spirit of promotion networking at the convention, everyone

Who would not be fed up with the idea of ​​spending a time or two exchange banalities and sale pitch with stucco fake smiles on your face to hide your discomfort Do it selfish, and unreliable, if it feels uncomfortable You have postponed until chances are forgotten that all those business cards you collected

Take heart! There is good news! It doesn't have to be that way! The book yourself solid small business networking tactics operates from an entirely different perspective; it is all about connecting and sharing with others. All you need is to shift your point of view from one of scarcity and fear to one of abundance and love. With your own solid networking strategy in the book, the focus is sincerely and freely giving and sharing, and by doing so, other mutually beneficial relationships are all about creating lasting relationships.

Network Event Small Business Owners—If you look at it, customers will increase

Please arrive on time—this is fashionable by being late, or by talking about why you're late No one cares If you notice late, apologize for it Please keep it.

Relax and be yourself-contrary to traditional wisdom, you don't have to fit. It may sound silly, but when you are yourself, do a nose dive on your necktie, shrimp salad around your head But seriously, people write the rules and take the lead I would like to meet those who have been following the pack, not those who have been out before. So don't be afraid to express yourself completely. is.

Too big smiles may be interpreted as some sort of coming, or you may worry that they are desperate for attention This misunderstood fear of you holds you. Aside! To be considered more unfriendly or standoffish to be wrong in the larger and friendly smile side.

Stomach - will spade Returns whether you may not be able to answer the case of. If you focus on what you can get, you are much less successful.

Prepare for the event—Learn some of the organizer's names and key players. From what you know (without the dropper in the name), what you know (without knowing), and from your heart (with people who will become this particular event .

Introduce yourself to the people who are holding the event. I will never forget to say, "Thank you."

If you want to meet in a big seminar or event, introduce yourself to the big-wig and rise to them and say, "If you have someone in your enterprise who is famous in your enterprise, say" Stop here! Start by offering praise. You "I just want to tell you that your work has had a big impact on me," says "then when it's the same event," I just grabbed your coffee cup "I mean," "I want to help in a way that adds value to your life or work." She may say, "I don't think so," but what do you do Have you ever lost? Then again, she may answer by saying, "Yes, it seems like a real and thoughtful person. There are things that can be done" Successful and busy people always have more of their edition than Don't forget that you can handle moderately. They are always looking for talented people to make their life easier. In the case of stress levels, the life of a friend will last forever.

When you first meet someone, offer something as much as possible — offering praise, compassion, or connection (as in the example above). When you can say, "I know who you got to meet" or "I think I might provide a solution to your problem" further if you can leave them Feel good, more uplifting, and energize after interacting with you, they are going to remember you

And other questions-such an approach is tense. It takes your spotlight and allows others to shine. It allows you to learn something new at the same time.

Identify a couple of things that you want to learn from people with features-people are drawn to others that are curious and interesting.

Eye-Make a Contact-Express the point and interest of the person you are talking to. And stay focused on the person you are talking to. If you are talking with me but you are always scanning the room for someone whose eyes are more important or relevant to you, then you

Wear comfortable clothing—you are always worried about how you look at clothes that are not comfortable or fit properly

Take an initiative-make friends and make friends. People love to be asked about themselves, their hobbies, or their families. This is the time to get to know some personal bites that will make you easier, more natural connectivity and find common interests.

Provide a firm handshake—hold your drink on your left hand. This eliminates the need to wipe your damp hands of your slack before shaking hands. And men don't think that you need to shake hands unlike women as men. A firm handshake (not a death grip) is always appropriate.

This is very important. Do not monopolize those who are particularly in demand, such as event speakers. It makes the speaker uncomfortable. But they are just a lot of people. It also plagues others who want to meet the person you are trying to keep yourself. Hint: If you want to help, ask the speaker if there is someone you can introduce her, or simply include the person in a conversation with her this way, you are the other person at the event It will be seen as a very generous and open person, and speakers will easily navigate the network and events

Request a business card and then get in touch-if you want it is your responsibility to request a card and it is your responsibility to follow up. The quality of making a real connection is not quantity. As if there were awards for most cards obtained at the end of the event, you are going through the event, collecting business cards from whom and with whom to race and then just someone who is your mailing list or e -Remember, business cards do not mean having permission to add them to the list of zines. That's not right I'll send it as a follow-up to your personal email, and be sure to add it as a list and add it. You do not have the authority to do so. This is my pet peave. I feel that 25 percent of the time I am asked for my business card in a meeting, I end up with another newsletter list. It's not cool.

Always have a pen with you — what date you talk about, when you receive a business card, remembers a person, helps to personalize future touch, date date of the function you met

Network event small and medium-sized business people-If you see that you should not do, customers will increase

Don't try to cool—don't correct your tension by boasting about your success; this is a major turn-off

"What do you do?" The first question you ask-let it come naturally in a conversation.

While it may be more comfortable to sit with people you know, don't sit with people you know for the majority of events—it steps them new in their comfort zone Get to know people.

Do not cheat multiple item travel lights to eliminate the need to cheat your coats, wallets, briefcases, drinks, or versions of the buffet For writing down notes and quick notes on all business cards Keep your right hand for free.

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