Order type
Ordering is itself an art. Beginners often do not know when to use market or limit orders. Different orders are used in different market conditions. However, limit orders are the most versatile. Understanding limit orders is vital to your trading success. I will only discuss the case to buy, reasoning and mechanisms are the same for shorts.
Market order
In the market order, you basically give you instructions. ..
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Order type
Ordering is itself an art. Beginners often do not know when to use market or limit orders. Different orders are used in different market conditions. However, limit orders are the most versatile. Understanding limit orders is vital to your trading success. I will only discuss the case to buy, reasoning and mechanisms are the same for shorts.
Market order
In market order, you are basically giving instructions to your broker to buy at the prevailing price. You can not set the price you want to buy. Market orders may be slippery in fast moving markets. For example, if you give the market order to buy 10 lots, it might be filled with 3 lots $ 10, another 3 lots $ 10.50, and the remaining 4 lots $ 11.00. We usually use market order when we need to move in and out of the market, such as when the market suddenly moves against you.
Limit order
Limit orders differ from market order in that you can specify the price you want to buy. For example, if you buy a $ 2 lot for $ 10, you can not get fills for more than $ 10. Thus, a possible scenario is to get 2 lots, 10 lots, or 1 lot, both $ 10 and $ 9.50 respectively. Price is what you specify unless you enter it because you can not limit the beauty of.
Stop order
Stop orders are known as stop loss orders. In day trading, stop the losses and is vital to your survivors. Some trader settings do not stop for loss of real-time monitoring of trading. They are fast enough to be able to perform these steps. Used to be used to locate in However, in a fast moving market, you can lose more than $ 200 on a single contract in just a few minutes, very well. Set stop loss order delete, its psychologically located in the mouth without hesitation. From my experience, this is an absolute requirement, master it and use it to your advantage.
Assuming you are currently $ 10 long and setting a stop loss of $ 8, you are telling the broker to sell at the market price when the price drops to $ 8. If the price is more than $ 8, Stop Loss Order will dormant, it will stop the order of Stop Loss Order always to end the position on the market order only when the price hit $ 8 to save you from further losses. will be used. Therefore, if long, give instructions to sell stop loss order. If you are missing, the Stop Loss order will give instructions to buy.
Stop limit order
Stop limit orders are similar to stop loss orders, except that it turns into limit orders at a given price. For example, assuming you are $ 10 long and you fall $ 8, $ 8 Set up a stop limit order to sell at and the order becomes a limit order at $ 8. Remember that limit orders guarantee a better fill than the specified price. Thus, a $ 8 limit order means you get a fill of $ 8 or more.
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