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Even if it may change, the use encouragement program

Non-cash incentive programs and benefits can have a strong impact on attitudes and need to improve results. Incentives of employees who can make designations-programs, organizations with a sense of loss.

If you do not know what kind of incentive program to adopt, so motivate your people to improve their work and productivity, use it here:

1. Share shares.

Incentive progr as a usage share scheme. ..

It's tough. :
Incentive, employee encouragement

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Non-cash incentive programs and benefits can have a strong impact on attitudes and need to improve results. Incentives of employees who can make designations-programs, organizations with a sense of loss.

If you do not know what kind of incentive program to adopt, so motivate your people to improve their work and productivity, use it here:

1. Share shares.

Incentives as a Use Share Scheme-A team that contributes people to rewarding programs is a success.

The employee who is rewarded with the company's stock and who is watching his or her effort is, in theory, identified as a company, committed to its success, and executed more effectively.

In fact, whether the company's success is due to the employee who owns the stock, or if the success itself has led the company to issue the stock and if the stock has not changed hands It is also difficult to know if employees did not act effectively.

Nevertheless, by giving people shares of the company as an incentive program, you have a very positive statement about them

2. It's a Christmas gift.

Surprise people with gifts they don't expect. The expected rewards were unexpected for the following effects. After a while, the salary will increase accordingly, so it is natural for a generous raise.

Incentive programs such as the much smaller "payment" in the form of gifts are of unequal value to the recipient's eyes. Employees can use cash awards to purchase gifts, perhaps weekend holidays, but from management as a reward for well done work

Incentive program is excellent, consider this: the company has a special meeting for all of the employees who had achieved sales volume for the month of the meeting, the company said that the incentive is a gift certificate I announced. They go to the accounting department, sign their name, and they go off, as directed.

Or: The company has a special mug embossed with the word "Congratulations" and a special card with a special message written by the manager personally

The latter is more appreciated between the two incentive programs. Gift certificates may be a good incentive program, but it is sometimes taxed, so they get only a part of what was written on it. Plus the first incentive-the program thanks the individual to the stiffness.

Meanwhile, the second incentive program is much more advantageous. Incentive programs can be as more specialized and individual apps. It will make your employees feel that they will be rated individually, especially if they come with "thank you" notes.

Best of all, presents are also better incentive programs and when cash is running out, or competition does not allow increased wages

3. Optimization of benefits.

As mentioned earlier, supplementary benefits have become financially less effective incentive programs, in many countries due to tax charges.

With a good pension scheme, but from becoming more attractive, there is an incentive-program cutting edge-funding as more attractive. The same applies to medical insurance. The knowledge that the company cares for people with illness, health and old age is a fundamental yet powerful factor.

Other benefits such as company cars, maternity leave, leave, etc., an incentive program can improve the quality of life of people, children's teaching devices, from mobile phones to computers, Direct benefits to the company, but as an incentive program, individuals are also personal from their availability

Ultimately, loyal and happy employees tend to work hard, which leads to an increase in overall productivity.

4. The condition of the ashes.

The modern company, with its flat structure, avoids state signs that are horizontal management and open style, split and counterproductive. Of course spare parking and separate dining rooms are avoided.

However, an important sounding work title is a better and easier way of providing an awareness and psychological satisfaction at the same time as a simple and economical incentive program

So, now you know that the stimulus program does not necessarily mean that it must be in financial form. What kind of incentives do you have for the insufflation signal? As they say, that is an important idea.

When will you negotiate negotiations? 4Tips for successful improvement

We all encounter many negotiating states every day. Our problem is that we do not always recognize them as negotiating and as ourselves. As a result, we enter these discussions less preparation than we can. Result is? Sometimes less and more successful results! This article shows you how to understand some of the key principles of negotiation and the four steps to successfully implement these in all your negotiation situations

It's tough. :
Negotiate, negotiate management, negotiate training, affect the need for negotiation

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Copyright 2006 National Learning Institute

When you leave home for work this morning, you feel that you are ready to face the day knowing that you were going to have a number of successful negotiations The chance is that the word "negotiate" never you The head of the has been entered. It should be like this.

It is a high-powered officer, a politician or a leader of the world by formally negotiating negotiations. But every day we all negotiate. You need to agree with your colleagues on the content of the report or presentation. All of these things are negotiations.

Our problem is that we do not recognize them as negotiating and as ourselves. As a result, we enter these discussions less preparation than we can. Result is? Sometimes less and more clever results!

To make our daily negotiations more successful (for both you and the other party), you need to:

-Clear and appropriate your case

-Organize your facts

-Control the timing and pace of your discussions

-Properly assess both you and the other party's needs

How do you successfully do these four points? First, we need to understand some of the key principles of successful negotiations. I will enter the answer from the answer "True / False" by the negotiation of the knowledge of the quiz there.

1. Should I ask twice for the amount you need?

2. Is your goal to prevent your opponent from saying "No"?

3. Do small concessions relieve pressure?

4. The result of "win / win" is always possible.

5. Do you admit a mark of weakness to errors or omissions?

The following answer provides a useful tip on your negotiation situation.

1. Should I ask twice for the amount you need? It's different. Or you will have the important opportunity to lose the reverse. Research clearly shows that negotiators making big concessions get worse. The secret of successful negotiation is to first identify your needs and solve a range of options that meet those needs. Begin negotiations for options that best meet your needs.

2. Is your goal to prevent your opponent from saying "no"? It's different. It actually gives you the opportunity to ask, "Can you give me your reason", so it's really very "no" to get from the opponent This is with the real needs of the opponent It will lead to revealing several options that possibly meet the v-options that can be provided.

3. Do small concessions relieve pressure? False: If you make a small concession, chances are negotiating choices rather than needs. In addition, I cherish and squeeze the feeling of "other parties" and explore the needs of the state or frame that can be achieved, and I am satisfied with many options. Providing a refusal case is also a better option as it is a position where you should not undermine a lot of information obtained.

4. The result of "win / win" is always possible. False: It is desirable but not always possible. Sometimes the negotiated, even the best, needs to "agree to disagree". The way to improve your ratio of "win / win" is to focus very clearly on your own real needs (no position) and the needs of your opponent. Create the needs of the parties to reconcile many different options for search "Win / Win situation.

5. Do you admit a mark of weakness to errors or omissions? False: Research indicates that disclosure of such information indicates an honest person. If you do something for me, I will do something for you. People have been much more likely to be honest to you when they are honest to them. Pulling somebody's superior wool may give short-term results at the expense of long-term relationships.

Four tips to help you successfully negotiate

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