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Get off the discussion of your performance rating to a good start part 1

The awkwardness can be eliminated at many performance evaluation meetings followed by a few simple suggestions.

It's tough. :
Performance, employee, management, assessment, review, assessment, online, software

Article body:
Too often, participants in the performance evaluation meeting appear cumbersome and uncomfortable. It is inevitable to some extent that one person formally assesses the quality of work performed by another person.

There are a lot of performance evaluation conferences that can eliminate the following simple suggestions. Here are a couple of tips that will help you put both players easily. (In Part 2 of this article, I provide some additional suggestions.)

Gather your rating information and materials in advance
The most important item you need to have is a copy of the individual's performance rating. That is clear. But that's not all.
At the beginning of the year you and the individuals probably had a performance planning meeting. Ideally, you would be taking notes on a blank copy of the individual evaluation form and made a copy for you. The document should contain all the important items discussed during the meeting. Make sure that you have a copy of that plan document if the question about the original purpose comes up.

Please expect from a considerable range the performance of the person who needs the information, especially the performance in the area when there is. Whether the variation was in the positive or negative direction, you need to be able to prove why you assigned the rating you made. If the rating is that the individual's performance was less than you wanted, it is the magic phrase you use here that "unsatisfied" or "must improve" performance. Make sure that the phrase has a lot of examples that support the "for example ..." unsatisfactory rating.

You may have a copy of an individual development plan. You can have a copy of the weekly report submitted by an individual that describes the progress towards the goals set. There is a lot of support material that can not be made wrong. It may not be embarrassing by preventing, so the substance's legitimacy is rated differently by the couple.

Create a list
What key points do you want to cover in the discussion? In addition to having a copy of the performance rating, write a list of the most important items you want to discuss. It is easy to see them during a meeting and make sure that everything that needs to be discussed is covered.

Choose the right place
Perhaps most performance evaluation discussions take place in the manager's office, with the appraisee sitting directly in front of the manager behind the desk and that.

Is it the best place to hold an argument? In particular, the performance rating is not very good, and managers make all the powers and powers splurge, making it possible for subordinates to understand that immediate changes are necessary. -Desk placement is more power related when more congressional approaches may be more effective

More important than the actual place where the discussion takes place is the decision-making process that managers make to determine their place. Too often, administrators by default discuss performance assessments behind their desks—they have not given the issue any ideas and

There are several other options available. The manager's office may not be provided with full privacy, or the walls are thin, so crowded and arranged check-in. In this case, the meeting room or temporary vacant office of a senior manager in a town outside may be pushed into service. The performance rating includes good news, and if the two participants in the rating drama are old colleagues, it is best to have coffee in the cafeteria and if it is done at the manager's office, just small furniture The reordering of may reduce the hierarchical nature of the argument.
Especially if the performance rating does not contain bad news, especially the manager takes a dramatic gesture to bring the house message ", the appraiser's boss office might be a good place Having your boss sit as an observer / reinforcer and give you an assessment of your performance in her boss's office is an informed message

Please be a rare place. A district sales manager who gives one of her sales reps, while they are in a car, his annual performance rating is a new prospecting office So, at that point too, at that point Unless it is obvious to both players that the need to do a performance review at

These are some small suggestions that will help alleviate the awkwardness that always appears to surround the discussion of performance evaluation. In part two, I offer a couple more tips to help put both players at ease.

A good start (get off your discussion of performance evaluation in part 1)

Too often, participants in the performance evaluation meeting appear cumbersome and uncomfortable. It is inevitable to some extent that one person formally assesses the quality of work performed by another person.

There are a lot of performance evaluation conferences that can eliminate the following simple suggestions. Here are a couple of tips that will help you put both players easily. (In part 2 of this article, I will provide some additions ..

It's tough. :
Performance, employee, management, assessment, review, assessment, online, software

Article body:
Too often, participants in the performance evaluation meeting appear cumbersome and uncomfortable. It is inevitable to some extent that one person formally assesses the quality of work performed by another person.

There are a lot of performance evaluation conferences that can eliminate the following simple suggestions. Here are a couple of tips that will help you put both players easily. (In Part 2 of this article, I provide some additional suggestions.)

Gather your rating information and materials in advance

The most important item you need to have is a copy of the individual's performance rating. That is clear. But that's not all.

At the beginning of the year you and the individuals probably had a performance planning meeting. Ideally, you would be taking notes on a blank copy of the individual evaluation form and made a copy for you. The document should contain all the important items discussed during the meeting. Make sure that you have a copy of that plan document if the question about the original purpose comes up.

Please expect from a considerable range the performance of the person who needs the information, especially the performance in the area when there is. Whether the variation was in the positive or negative direction, you need to be able to prove why you assigned the rating you made. If the rating is that the individual's performance was less than you wanted, it is the magic phrase you use here that "unsatisfied" or "must improve" performance. Make sure that the phrase has a lot of examples that support the "for example ..." unsatisfactory rating.

You may have a copy of an individual development plan. You can have a copy of the weekly report submitted by an individual that describes the progress towards the goals set. There is a lot of support material that can not be made wrong. It may not be embarrassing by preventing, so the substance's legitimacy is rated differently by the couple.

Create a list
What key points do you want to cover in the discussion? In addition to having a copy of the performance rating, write a list of the most important items you want to discuss. It is easy to see them during a meeting and make sure that everything that needs to be discussed is covered.

Choose the right place
Perhaps most performance evaluation discussions take place in the manager's office, with the appraisee sitting directly in front of the manager behind the desk and that.

Is it the best place to hold an argument? In particular, the performance rating is not very good, and managers make all the powers and powers splurge, making it possible for subordinates to understand that immediate changes are necessary. -Desk placement is more power related when more congressional approaches may be more effective

More important than the actual place where the discussion takes place is the decision-making process that managers make to determine their place. Too often, administrators by default discuss performance assessments behind their desks—they have not given the issue any ideas and

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