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History of Chinese Astrology

The development of China's astrology dates back to at least the Zhou Dynasty (1122 BC – 256 BC). Some sources claim to have started as far back as 2150 BC. Ancient Chinese astrologers began by using the positions of the planets, the moon, and the stars to accurately predict seasonal changes and tide flows. These predictions were used to predict the best time to plant and harvest the crop, so it was essential to the success of agriculture at that time.

Twelve stems and twelve branches of Heaven were created to help them track the passing of time. These important signs are used to mark the passage of what we know as time, day, month and year. In this history, animals were used to symbolize each of the twelve branches, as only the elite could read and write.

According to legend, during the celebration of the New Year, the Buddha was to determine the order of animals used for the twelve earthly branches. He asked all the animals in the kingdom to join him for a meeting. Only twelve animals answered the Buddha's call and attended the meeting.

The Buddha acknowledged that each of these twelve animals dominates the branches of the earth. Each animal was to lead a branch and affect the person born between the branches.

We know the twelve branches of the earth as "years". In a traditional Chinese calendar, these twelve animal signs are of the end to remind us that time is constant and has a flow

The twelve above-ground branches, in turn, are mice, cows, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, chickens, dogs, pigs.

Some ancient China cherished the Earth on the stars. These scientists looked for reasons behind the natural order of things. The five elements of the base that I agreed with. For their understanding, everything was made from fire, earth, metal, water, or wood.

What kind of basic element is it. Wood creates fire, fire becomes earth, earth creates metal, metal creates water, water creates wood.
Astrology history

The history of astrology is actually very interesting. Astrology has been a major part of many cultures that return to previous historical times. Some of the history of astrology is masked in controversy and mystery, as the tool was developed to see planets that can not be seen without the naked eye before astrology was used

Astrology first appeared in previous historical times. The map of the heaven is on the wall of the cave and is almost the same as the picture of other caves. These are the most controversial and mystical of all the evidence of astrological history. These cave dwellers may not even have the necessary tool planet. How did you know where you were?

The next emergence of astrology was in ancient Mesopotamia and other ancient cultures. These cultures can also be explained by the abundance of astrology charts. However, the study of astrology was probably passed to Greece through trade with these ancient civilizations.

Greek astrology has expanded to a form that is recognized in today's western world. Astrology is a daily part of Greek life and to follow the Roman Empire. The names of the planets, constellations, sun and moon signs are all the names of Roman gods and other names.

Greek and Roman scholars were often secured positions in the present King or Emperor's court. Their knowledge of the stars was considered a necessary part of royal decisions, combat plans, and other aspects of royal life. However, when astrology specialists rushed these everyday lives, there were a lot of current governments and so on.

The art of astrology has been lost for these and other reasons. But it has returned to Western Europe during a wonderful Renaissance time. Astrology was once again a respected art form, and those who studied astrology were considered to be part of the greatest mind of that era. However, when the age of enlightenment was over, astrology once again became an ambiguous and somewhat controversial topic.

In the second half came to light again with eighteen hundreds of astrology. Several brave souls have formed the basis of astrological research. Interest in star research spread throughout Western Europe and to the early United States.

In the 1930s, the art of astrology became a very common place. In the middle of that decade, Gerald Gardner formed a religion now known as Guard Nerian Wicca. Wicca focused on astrology for the use of horoscopes, as in previous pagan religions. Astrology has also been brought to America's popularity through the publication of American Astrology, the first published magazine for the horoscope.

Astrology has become a popular form of entertainment for many in the United States, with the fortune telling being popular in major newspapers and other popular print media. However, astrology as art is beginning to decline again in the western world. Christian groups are still rile against star studies, and many "reasonable" people refuse to see any truth in astrology predictions. Yet, astrology remains a popular study in many cultures today.

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