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If you were born in 1942, m1954, 1966 m197, 1990 or 2002, you are a horse.


If you were born in 1942, m1954, 1966 m197, 1990 or 2002, you are a horse. You are popular and attractive to the opposite sex. You can show off and be stumped. You need a person but you need to marry a tiger or a dog. Avoid the rat!

Horses want love and intimacy. Love connections tend to come easy on horses as they emanate something like a raw sex appeal that is a magnet to others. This sign tends to come very strong at the beginning of the relationship, with an almost natural sense of romance and temptation. Horses are generally seducers; if you check out from the wrist party you will be bound to find attending horses. This sign has a sharp wit and witty presence, it really knows how to manipulate the crowd. Surprisingly, horses tend to feel a bit inferior to their peers, the misconception that they drift from group to group from the unreasonable fear of exposure as a fraud.

Horses tend not to see a lot of big pictures; instead they may be caused by premature connections, jobs, traces of projects, etc. Their whimsical can also be this sign else for me, A lot. If you find peace within yourself, you can learn to curb their wandering habits and to admit something in their own backyard.

A horse is a Chinese zodiac nomad and moves from one place or project to the next. There is a possibility to meet a deep-seated desire to fit in all of the constant activity and search of this symbol. Paradoxically, horses feel a simultaneous yearning for independence and freedom.
Western astrology history
The history of astrology, in ancient Babylon, begins around 2000 BCE. So they began to develop a complex system of celestial precursors. The priests used the positions of planets and stars to express God's desires. They record the movement of the sky and the subsequent ground activity, and make a list of good and bad omens. For example, if a full moon and a cloudy sky bring a big victory to the enemy the following day, "full moon with clouds" will be recorded as a good omen. With the passage of time, this system has spread to the ancient world.
Egyptians focused on astronomy for very good reason. The sun and Sirius were used to predict when the Nile River would overflow. Traditionally, Rameses II is known to define some of the signs of the Zodiac.
Astrology first appeared in Alexandria Egypt. This new version of Babylonia and Egyptian astrology focused on the positions of planets and constellations at the time of the birth of man. Ptolemy codified the system of his work Tetrabiblos and changed very little to this day.
Astrology and astronomy were almost interchangeable throughout the Middle Ages. Most of the early astronomical observations of the sun, the moon and the planet were done by all astrologers. If much of astrology was forgotten in Europe during the Dark Ages, the Persians maintained a living knowledge and returned to Renaissance and Europe.
However, with the scientific revolution that began in the 17th century, the two began to split, astronomy became science, and astrology looked more as an occult superstition.
In the twentieth century, astrology became popular in the United States around 1900-1950. Astrology writers also tried to simplify some of the more confusing parts that made astrology more accessible to the general public. As a result, today there is a market for astrological books and predictions of the "sun sign".

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