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I think for myself

Which of these three objectives should come first? Such a question is a question that I ask myself and answer from a thinker's point of view. Also, what is the role of the reader when reading thinkers thinking? Read and find out.

Small tits. :
Writing, Notification, Entertainment, Enlightenment, Reason, Wisdom, Conscience, Science, Thinking, Writer, Thinker

Article body:
Let us examine the three objectives of writing: entertaining, entertaining, and enlightening. Although it is committed to achieving the other two, to me, the second one is at the bottom of the list. All the great teachers know this closely and easily related and interesting story, and humor and his teachings.

The first goal will come first, in order to inform, the last in my mind, the last, to enlighten. To explain my attitude, I think that it draws your attention to reasons for living where both of these objectives are properly pursued in my book

The part of my book relays de facto or theoretical information about things like human physiology, nutrition, and universal evolution. This information pertains to the current perception of reality in the scientific community. I am just a car for it. Well, for my two reasons, my role as a writer to inform his readers about scientific facts and theory is to strive to enlighten his readers and work with philosophers

My main reason is that I think wisdom is the top priority, while knowledge (ie, components, structure, and work) of the material world is at a practical level and conscience is Before science, it itself can not give humans a sense of good, correct, or sacred things. Examples of science without conscience are their human environment and the use of their workers to satisfy their greed, or rather human rights by a corrupt corporation that is efficient with abuse

My other reason is that my role as a writer to inform readers about scientific facts and theory is that of a mere vehicle. This is quite secondary to the role of researchers leading scientific companies thanks to advanced instruments, skilled academics, and successful observation and rationalization.

In contrast, my role as a philosopher is, as it were, in the driver's seat to strive to enlighten his readers. Not only is it related to everything that makes a living life worth living and gives a sense of purpose to human beings, it does more than reflect the light of wisdom

I tell the truth and I am telling the readers. You can discover yourself as a philosopher and create your own wisdom while evaluating the mine. Therefore, since my readers helped see the range of heavy problems that can meditate to shape their thoughtful opinion about them, it is possible that there is no venture It is said that there is no doubt.

Exploring the truth and meaning of life

How are you committed to the truth? Since fantasies seem to be more consistent with our wishes, we enjoy easily fantasies at the expense of the truth. Were the truth compatible with meaning and happiness in the limits of life, did it bring wisdom?

Small tits. :
Truth, meaning of life, belief, God, fantasy, optimism, realist, wisdom, happiness

Article body:
Too often, the quest of truth can indeed succeed only in the best scenario - it is contaminated with relaxation and fickle feelings

Strangely enough, Blaise - Pascal, who is also a famous mathematician and philosopher, can not prove the faith to God (more accurately the heaven as the reward of the god of virtue) but actually it can not be proven It is not defensive, so it's probably defensive. So desirableness is considered as a valid basis for conviction, absence provableness and disprovableness! Doors are open to all wild fantasies as long as we lack it empirical means of distrust.

- Who invited to dinner?
- There is a loving person who has wonderful people
- Wow! And exactly who are these people?
- I do not know but it is wonderful.
-Ham! If you do not know them, can you say that they are wonderful?
Our neighbor crossed the street and said to me.
- Forgive me for asking, dear, but its neighbors are somewhat fools. The story that angels are watching us sounds like hope for me.
- This foolish neighbors, as you say, have fun to hear more than your professor's friends with all respect.
- But do not you think ...
- Forget to think; I am in the mood for dinner with some wonderful people.

(Note that if I feel that this is a bit of a gender of humor, I am not referring to gender.The prejudice to offend us is sometimes our own.) Blaise Do not forget that Pascal was a man.

Personally, I do not want to forget thinking. But there is a fascinating argument, this charm is a function of -provableness and reliability - must involve trusts When I want it to shape my view and dominate my life I can trust it, Even if this appearance does not coincide with the so-called ideal world, judging from the facts and solid arguments, calling up abstinence abstinence (not preparing to indulge in the luxury of luxurious beliefs) A man with reasons to associate intellectual integrity with his intellectual austerity finance.

Even saying this, the opposite attitude is beyond the kingdom of experience, hence it can not be proven and common, especially in the problem of disproving. For example, for their future - below or below - reserving many judgments and opening up their minds to all possibilities, from disastrous to glory, they believe it And because the charismatic fortune-teller and spiritual leader who is said to have been given supernatural power are the founder of this story

In its wild and blind form, optimism combined with faith is an explanation of such attitudes. Is it fancy and naive, or is it stupid? I am tempted to say so, but I resist this temptation. It can not be denied that the optimistic nature got great pleasure from seeing the future through rose-colored glasses. Considering this pleasure, things like sophisticated better Blaise Pascal claim that these glasses are worth wearing. I myself lack blessings, no innocence or computational soul plot to anyone whose ignorance is bliss.

In spite of the adversity I am all stauncher committed real life - life without itself - without fables, and despite adversity that is part of it - more meaningful to my mind In addition, I can religion (the purpose of life As a provider of suspicious but meaningful myths to make after a happy death) often argues that it is not a substitute for wisdom. It is often designed to offset the frustration of stupid shadows if it is a profound concept of existential absurdity. Less of more wisdom, more enthusiastic for religion (defined above) is one.

Now, what is the content of this wisdom, or what is the meaning of life within the limits of life? I answered this question to the best of my ability in my book; and my answer - like every answer to this question - with probability and to you, but then, sentences and opinions The difference antithesis can effectively solve conflict and stimulate intelligence to achieve new superior synthesis.

If possible, this confrontation will betray the imperfections of individual wisdom. At best they are true to the point and as we move forward to it, at the same time the complete truth retires unclear like the horizon, we have many wisdom as a straddle bridge individual; Though their subjectivity is admitted by many intersubjectiveness or deep intellectual relatives.

Let us explore some basic facts and logical assumptions based on facts.

1) Observable cosmos is an obvious manifestation of trends to order. Ordered ones and presence (indicating their attractiveness to specific inert or living conditions), ordered behavior and thought (the unity of this particular principle in preference to others is merely a nominal It is fundamental, as demonstrated by a single if complex humanity, including every physical and non-physical aspect of the observable universe.

2) Observations of the universe are related to the observer: human, present example. It is limited to the observable appearance of this universe, or it provides the basis of knowledge only within the limits of these manifestations. Everything beyond these limits - that is not all visible manifest - transcends our function of knowing that. However, despite that, as Koant pointed out, our company does not know is curbing our curiosity. While some accept acceptance of knowledge, many are. Their efforts to penetrate the transcendental mystery should not result in anything but fancy.

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