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IT Consulta

It is a service to stop the IT consultant. I am a consultant because I try to introduce an appropriate competitive interest rate.

It's tough. :

IT consultant, IT consultant, IT consultant

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A common mistake that prevents many IT consultants from going full time is basically to provide their services. In the market in which customers take on their own responsibility.

Professionals such as IT consultant certification

As recognized as a pro, you need to charge an hourly charge rate similar to what you aspire to compete on a full-time basis. If you meet the way below the market billing rate, you will never have enough stable consultation income to go full time. It's really difficult to raise the bill significantly when the contract is renewed.

Competitors per consultant in time have already figured out the overhead needed to cover the hourly billing rate. Make sure you haven't overlooked this aspect at this stage of the game.

All costs of successful, knowledgeable consultants, including sales tax, training costs, insurance, marketing-promotion, research and management.

IT Consultant: Why Short to Yourself

If you think about it, you can go out there, be the consultant Maddy Eddie of your marketing or go out there for $ 25, $ 35, $ ​​45 hours, and you can also work on a full-time basis, even a week There are so many extra hours of

In order to survive as an IT consultant and eventually transition to full time, you need to study competition when setting rates. When it comes to commissioning, there are multiple sources of consulting income.

Conclusion on IT consultants

If you don't put all your eggs in one basket and 90% of your IT consulting income comes from just one or two clients there are too many uncertainties. As an IT consultant, make sure that your client roster is diversified.

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