The nsultants who want to go full-time from the moonlight need to be prepared first. Becoming a serious IT consultant can make your dream come true, so take the steps you need.
It's tough. :
IT consultant, IT consultant, IT consultant
Article body:
If you have a full time job and side job as a consultant, there are a few things to do before migrating to become a full time IT consultant
Consider the following and avoid common mistakes that many IT consultants make when moving from part-time to full-time, self-employed consulting
Rule # 1-Don't make assumptions
Many of it's sideline jobs are engrossed at first, so they work on the idea of getting a self-employed income.
I'm out. I would like to take this on my bud and start on the right track.
Rule # 2-Plan ahead
Lots of sideline jobs that make it a dream of being a full time consultant. Sadly, many of them never intend to make it for a simple drawback.
They want it to happen, but they don't plan it.
Conclusion on IT consultants
If you're sidelined an IT consultant and want to move to full-time consulting, plan ahead. Don't get your head buried in sand or caught a huge danger that doesn't make sense.
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