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IT Marketing: A Case Study

Selling at is essential. It's not like creating a major marketing like you're making mistakes.

It's tough. :

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I was flipping through one of those junk email ad circulations that landed in my mailbox a few days ago, and I must have taken a colorful, full-page glossy this ad on the page Absent. Knowing what I know about costing ads in my area, this must have been close to a $ 1,000 spending (or more).

IT Markety

But that was one of the worst ads for locating what I have seen so far. To prevent you from making the same IT marketing mistake, I'm going to point out the couple of biggest problems I saw. The headline read: "Computer repair, I come to you." I come to you not a unique advantage anymore. Of course, if you are doing retail strictly, it will make you call home It's a nice advantage, because it's a computer service company, and then no more personal customers in B2B, no one brings a 25 node LAN to your store and you won't work on it. Nothing unique is ... no headlined headlines come. You just lost your window on the opportunity to get someone's attention.

Your IT Markety

Then the ad went on to say: "Computer Repair A + and Microsoft certified professionals, repairs, improvements, one-on-one lessons and tutorials". Once again, nothing unique. These things are just like everyone in the business. But what caught my eye is half of the adverts in a large letter with a color screen behind it: "$ 40, $ 60 or $ 80 for computer repair," and big Next to that in green letters is the right of a large retail looking coupon: "$ 20 hours, internal home service". Well, I would like to congratulate this company. They earn Joshua's fool of the week award for poor IT marketing.

They are making all the classic mistakes there!
Mistake # 1: There is no target for them. They are going to go after a local slice of seventy thousand small businesses and it is too hard to do it. They also do not narrow it down to small businesses. They go out and pick up an AOL disk with someone attached from their CD-ROM drive. They go out and repair the $ 79 inkjet printer.

Mistake # 2: They are advertising prices. Clearly, this is not even a sustainable price. Do the calculations. With 75% percent utilization (very unlikely with this ad strategy), this company has never gone to make it. Figure 30 hours at $ 20 hours a week. It is only $ 600 weeks. There is no way this company is going to be in business for long distance transportation.

Mistake # 3: They say nothing unique. This is very important. What can you do to help uniquely? You need to narrow your focus and your specialization.

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It's tough. :
Charity, Donation, South Africa

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