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It will be a single mind

As long as the advertising industry exists, there was discussion as to whether the advertisement is art or commercial. Frankly, this kind of disruptive debate is a waste of time and helps to reduce things the industry has little respect for over the years. Besides, the answer is simple. Advertisement is the art of commerce.

Small tits. :
Copywriting as part of advertising, marketing, branding and advertising campaign

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You read about the importance of being courageous, rebellion and imagination. These are all important components of an effective advertising campaign. But they have to train with the most important elements of all strategies.

As long as the advertising industry exists, there was discussion as to whether the advertisement is art or commercial. Frankly, this kind of disruptive debate is a waste of time and helps to reduce things the industry has little respect for over the years. Besides, the answer is simple. Advertisement is the art of commerce.

It is not pure art because pure art never attracts consumers on behalf of the brand. Art acts depending on human eyes. If consumers are not actively engaged, the brand will not grow up. If the brand does not grow up, the company will not profit. And if the company ceases to make profits, it will die and take that brand.

On the other hand, the advertisement can not be just a commercial as capitalism is not clean, itself. It sits people and gives notice. Pure commercial transaction deals with the exchange of money for goods and services. How boring it is. Besides, I do not want to encourage simple commerce. I would like to promote brand-name commerce. That is what makes the strategy very important.

Let's clarify. We are talking about advertising strategies. Advertisement is not marketing. Marketing encompasses multiple disciplines, including product, pricing, packaging, allocation, customer and promotion (pr activity, advertisement, over-the-counter, direct sales, e-marketing, etc.).

In the case of advertising can not proxy the difference, marketing, execution of advertisement strategy etc. Hell. You are responsible for wasting a lot of money. Now an agency understands the broader marketing image and the balance between narrow, targeted advertisement sizes. If they are possible and comfortable operation of both kingdoms, it is a very valuable partner to you.

The importance of a strong advertising strategy can not be emphasized enough. Creating an ad without a strategy is like throwing a ping-pong ball with a speed storm due to a wind storm. I have a little chance to hit your target.

However, with a sound advertising strategy, even companies with limited budgets can compete with competitors that have pockets. Over time like this is constant power of a single idea. This is my essence of long-term banning, my friend.

You need to start with knowing the person you are talking to and the person you are talking to. What are their hot buttons? What are they paying attention to (art)? Happy products and services (Commerce. What lives are they sending? What are some of their everyday raging arguments? Can you help with products and services you can do?

The key should obviously start thinking about your customers and potential customers. Focus on necessity instead of your own. Provide a solution by responding to its needs, your own interests. It can not be avoided in other ways. Please trust. .

Only after you know your audience you need to start thinking about ways to communicate with them. Just because you know how and where you will reach them. •

In this article, we introduced the fourth of the twelve steps. Challenge yourself, advertising program for staff and advertising agency change. If you missed the previous step, please contact the author for a free copy. And, it was the beginning of the revolution.

Jeff Berney is a free ideaist, brand evangelist and writer. He can be reached at
In case

Be rebellious

The answer to scattering is not more scattering; it is listening, who is listening and wanting to talk to them. So how to compete if you can not cry or discount your competition. Your advertisement is defiant, fundamental.

Small tits. :
Copywriting as part of advertising, marketing, branding and advertising campaign

Article body:
In order to notice advertising messages consumers (whether they are retail or service customers or business audiences to businesses), many companies do not eventually work either of these large strategies of sound.

What do you think would they do if your competition is talking loudly and shouting loudly? Yup. They will start screaming. It will not prevail over anyone crying out when it comes to advertisements. And usually they find that they lose a few customers of the process as they can not make noise.

It is the same as one upmanship. If you have to compete with more and better coupons or more and better discounts, rewards or irritation unrelated to your core product

Customers see these types of games as gimmicks, imitations, dishonest ones. People staying are watching you and your competitors as goods without any difference other than your price. It is a dangerous place for companies to find themselves.

The answer to scattering is not more scattering; it is listening, who is listening and wanting to talk to them. So how to compete if you can not cry or discount your competition. Your advertisement is defiant, fundamental.

Do you scare those words? Okay, remember, you are being brave now. It can be handled. Besides, the rebellious radicals are not dirty words. They will help you draw attention from your competition without crying and relying on your customers insults.

I am paying attention not only to mere missing the ordinary but to say. A strong rebellious strategy advertising campaign is different from anything your audience finds out from your competitor's sale, exactly by nature. That's unexpected. That's surprising. It is effective.

There are two keys to create a successful rebellious advertising campaign. At first it is a big idea. This idea comes from a strategy gained directly from your customers and their relationships in your brand. We will plan an account which considers this way of thinking until it arrives. We enter into the details of the plan both the big thought and description of the later article.

The second key to a successful rebellious advertising campaign is attention. If you do not learn to identify and clearly steer the norm, you can not get noticed. How your product or service is or how big your market is big Your target audience layer attention to your message

Think of these two keys through the flip, in newspapers and magazines. Pondering them while you watch TV. You should soon notice something. Most ads do not seem to be based on any big ideas today. Many of them do not flip right, but they do not notice it. Others get your attention, but ads do not have as much to do as a product and so advertisements quickly forget the brands assumed to be sold. Any opportunity for your brand!

There is a warning about being rebellious now. Room sharing experience, both men and women should not be different, it is different. Differences should be derived from the identity of your brand. •

In this article I introduced the second of the twelve steps. Challenge yourself, advertising program for staff and advertising agency change. If you missed the first step, contact the author for a free copy. And, it was the beginning of the revolution.

Jeff Berney is a free ideaist, brand evangelist and writer. He can be reached at
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