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Katana master

This story was held in Japan in the feudal period in the 18th century. Kenshin Uesugi, a great warrior and commander, said, "The warrior succeeds in the head, wears armor on the chest, destiny is in heaven.When you go to fight with confidence, I will come back without scratches ...

Small tits. :
Samurai, master, sword

Article body:
This story was held in Japan in the feudal period in the 18th century. A normal servant put a noble guest into rage. An angry man said the host had to teach his servant a good lesson. The host was not entitled to this tradition.
"Sorry, I need to fulfill the guest's wishes and punish you, there is no choice I can recommend you do it violently All take a sword and fight with me Is - you may kill me during a horse race game "
"Is it not in vain that I draw a sword?" The surprise replied in surprise. "You are a leading sword master and fencing teacher, and my farmers' hands have never held a sword before. How can you win?
In turn, fencing teacher in his turn, someone caught in a desperate situation, praying for the past and waiting for a long time for a fight with someone, until now he gave his servant "Take my sword and try your destiny, good luck may be at your side."
When the Master and the servant confronted each other with their sword drawn, the Master noticed that his position was much worse and he needed to change it He walked back a step back then some I took the step and immediately found my own with my back on the wall. The master had no room for backup, so we had to make a final decision. It has been fun and no further thought of the experiment. Collating, the master could not change for a more advantageous position and shouting loudly, he delivered a murder stroke for an unfortunate servant.
After telling the master of the teacher who taught me the master of "Tana Battle! The servant was trying to defeat his master, but his attack was almost impossible to repel, so even an old servant, a skilled swordsman Of course, you can become a strong rival in this situation.

Kenshin Uesugi (Uesugi Kenshin) (1530 - 1578) said, "Warriors succeed in their heads, wear armor on their chests, destiny is in heaven.When you go to fight with confidence, you I will be back without a single scratch Ready to die and go into the battle.Whenever I remember my house I will be able to get back to you.When I dream of the moment you go home, It will never happen, life brings on constant change, but the samurai does not think like that because destiny is destined.

Just say no to sex.

(Extended spoofing is presented in 4 installments on 10 pages each, the previous ones are presented under each new installment if you miss one or more.)

"Well, I do not regret. She knows the material very well, like me." And he gave Dan the issue of Playboy and said "I will review the material while I get her."

"Yes, sir," Dan replied, accepting his assignment.

From Centerfold, Dr. Coburn for your Professor Su

Small tits. :
Humor, comedy, satire, political satire, laugh, jokes, news, news laughter, newslaugh, lol, laugh, spoofing, skit, skit

Article body:
(Extended spoofing is presented in 4 installments on 10 pages each, this is the sixth installment; previous ones are presented on this site or under NewsLaugh under each new installment, in case you are one I missed more than one)

"Well, I do not regret. She knows the material very well, like me." And he gave Dan the issue of Playboy and said "I will review the material while I get her."

"Yes, sir," Dan replied, accepting his assignment.

From centerfold, Dr. Coburn will be your guests.

"I like this course!" Dan shouted to himself.

Later, a glimpse around to confirm that he was all alone, he took out his cell phone and made a phone call. With a quiet tone, he said, "Hey, Eddie, baby, what did you guess?" And he accidentally pronounced the doctor's name intentionally. "Today, 'Cockburn' makes me take private lessons at Melanie .... I have a kid you .... no, double or nothing .... Captain Ramen is OK. ... All right! ... It may not be today but I can kiss. "At that time, Melanie hit the door and concluded a conversation that he said," I have to go now "He is a magazine I resumed looking at it.

When Melanie came, he said, "Hello, there."

She noticed his intentions fantasy ink and guess frequently guessed with sarcastic involvement with male results. "Are you studying hard?"

He answered, "It is very difficult," and passed past the speculation to the filialty of his activities. "Assigned to Dad, then he will put a comment, a side magazine" Oh, just a comfort 'ink. ''

"Oh, this is such a joke!" She shouted.

"I do not know what you mean."

"Yeah, right. Who are you kidding? I have a dan?

"Do you still think that after I shot a lesson for two weeks?"

"What else? The truth is that you are here because you are the same as everyone else - only you want -"

-what? "


"Oh, you mean Texaco?"

She cut her teeth. "Tyrannosaurus - Rex"

"Can you do it with Melanie, is that about sex?

"It will come out soon with that, of course, that is what I mean."

"I am sorry, a girl, does he tell me?

"You should be very fortunate."

"Melanie, you know you always listen to what he says.

"This is so stupid!" She lamented. Then she broke. "Any right, you can stay anything."

"On the sofa?"


"Are you going to sit beside me?"

"No way, do not you remember that much?" She asked, quoting, "" We have to avoid closeness. ''

"You are right, that axiom slipped a bit in my heart.

"Well then, please make sure it does not happen again."

"You have my words."

"OK, are you ready?"

"Ready," he said, he shifted his body a bit.

"I am telling you, Dan, you stand up only once and the lesson is over, did you understand?


"All rights. First, I need to see how far I have made progress, so I will review the material," she says, "Do you know so much?

"Sure, I said," He replied, "'Sex leads to pregnancy, pregnancy leads to excessive population, so we need to implement gender, etc." Well, what do you think Is it? "

"As if you believe it. What is Axion Two?"

"Hey, there is no problem, Mel." Sex can lead to sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases can lead to death. Therefore, it is necessary to implement sex and the like. "

"Which gender are you avoiding?

"As far as possible."

"What does it mean? How would you like to know the number How is it last week, so how are you in love with many girls in the last seven days?

"If you want to know the truth, I have not touched a woman since I started studying with your father," he convincedly said. "What is wrong, do not you believe me?"

"What is the wild rumor that goes around the campus about you and two excessive cheerleaders?

"I do not know how it started."

"is that true?"

"Of course, that is not true, do you think that I will do something like that I learned last week?

"My father is living for me."

"What about you, what did he say?

"He said," Do not be ridiculous. "But I do not know what he means, sometimes he has a hard time to talk about something." Then she turns skeptical eyes to him. "You need to think that my father is a real jerk."

"How can you probably say that after I came here every day to learn his way.

"And what do you think of me?

"I think that you are wonderful, it is a nice lady, although it has been booked for a while."

"A little booked?" She replied. "I know exactly what it actually means - it's a code for what everyone thinks: Melanie is stupid as she does not do what the other person wants to do or want to do. Well, Screw it, how about it?

"Anything you say, Meranie is the Virgin Campus, and I guess what you are thinking is that it is wonderful.

"Oh, sure, you do ... well, that is not as easy as you think.

"is not it?"

"No - People like you always hit me," she said. "After all, I am only human." After that, I regretted her short course in emotion, she renewed her determination. "I am proud of my unwilling mind."

"To say that it will become reluctance, but in reality it has the same ability."

"Which is your business, the important thing is that I do not feel stupid at all, I am proud of who I am, and one thing my father has taught you If you believe, you know the reason.

"I think, but please tell me in your own words."

"Certainly," she said, as if to recite from her father's teaching. "I believe that I am a natural treatment for over-population and the resulting ecological depredation, abortion heartbreak, AIDS abomination and other sexually transmitted diseases, also human -

- Come now, Mel, you can do it. What do you think when I say Mexico, Texaco, Tyrannosaurus Rex? "

As she continued to feel guilty, he enumerated the letters of that word. "S-E-X" What is its spelling? "

"Sex," she managed in the mouth.

"Very good," he told her. "Now, why do people like sex?

"They are so badly wrong."

"No, because it gives them joy."

"Pl-, pl-, pleasure!"

"Wonderful, Melanie! There is hope"

"That's enough," she said. "I am leaving."

"But you are supposed to give lessons to me.

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